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Improve Deliverability with New Click-Tracking Options

April 25, 2017

Protecting your email credibility is something that we at Salesloft value highly. Sometimes, enabling click-tracking (the ability to see if a link in an email is clicked by the recipient) can raise the alarm of spam filters and cause your email to be sent to the recipient’s’ spam filters. While it’s exciting to see that a prospect has clicked on a link, Salesloft recommends, as a general rule, that click-tracking be disabled when sending emails at high volumes. Damaging your email credibility can have lasting detrimental impacts to both your and your company’s ability to connect with customers.

We’re introducing a number of enhancements to empower you to choose the right click-tracking approach for your sales teams. Admins and users will now have the ability to:

  1.  Set defaults at the team level to determine if click-tracking is disabled by default.

2)  Activate click-tracking on links included in your signature block. 

3.  Enable/disable click-tracking on one-off emails sent from the Connect for Gmail and Connect for Salesforce experiences

Click Tracking in Gmail

Psst! We’ll soon be announcing our exciting partnership and integration with DocSend to help sellers send trackable presentations and sales collateral without clogging inboxes or getting lost in spam filters. Stay tuned for more details.  

We are grateful to have you here with us on this journey. We are always excited to hear your feedback, so if you have any questions please check out the Knowledge Base, or contact [email protected].