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Introducing Salesloft Labs


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Salesloft exists to help companies maximize revenue by creating a fantastic buying experience. Our best-in-class core technology means  B2B sales teams close more deals. Simple as that.

But we’re always seeking ways to do more. Provide more. Be more

Enter Salesloft Labs. 

Salesloft Labs is our way to share research, best practices, and other technology offerings to drive additional value for sellers. With a “no task too small” mentality, these tools are easily inserted into your day-to-day to drive efficiency and effectiveness in all aspects of your work.  Helping sellers be better sellers and driving more revenue for your organization.

Salesloft Labs was created for the singular purpose of innovation — to build a space where we test new technologies and experiment with new ways to help our customers connect, sell, and close better than ever. Our apps take the more tedious parts of selling — crafting the perfect subject line, building cadences, drafting emails that excite and intrigue — and automate them to perform to perfection. Learn about our innovative apps below:

Find Business Email  — Want to talk to a prospect you met at an event but forgot to grab their email? This tool helps you quickly identify missing information with just a first and last name and company.

Draft on Behalf — Ghostwriters, rejoice. Draft an email on behalf of a colleague for their review, sent automatically upon approval.

Subject Line Grader — Too many words? Title case? No punctuation? Fear not — we optimize your email subject line based on data science drawn from hundreds of millions of B2B emails to drive up your reply rate.

Cadence Builder — A pivotal step, made easy. Cadence Builder quickly and easily creates multi-touch, multi-channel campaigns for target personas using your language.

Email Grader — Subject lines are just the beginning. Based on data insights drawn from hundreds of millions of B2B emails, Email Grader is here to transform the body of your email into an attention-grabbing prospect magnet.

What’s Next?

In the future, Salesloft Labs will go beyond high-powered apps. With resources that include thought leadership in the form of white papers, eBooks, podcasts, and webinars, plus a baseline for best practices with how-to guides and case studies, Salesloft Labs is set to be your one-stop shop for learning, growing, and selling -- all better than you ever have before.

So step into Salesloft Labs, and see where you can go. 

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