Conversational AI

30% more pipeline, with 30% less work. Deliver better buyer experiences without more work for your team with Drift’s patented AI and GPT-powered features.
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Making it easier to buy from you

Best-in-class buyer experience

When buyers can use their own words, it creates practical, 1:1 experiences based on their needs, which pays off in pipeline, shorter deal cycles, and marketing ROI.

Drift's AI chatbots see 40% more engagement than button-only chat and answer open-text questions around the clock, so you can get your buyers what they want in the 50% of conversations that happen after hours, without straining your team.

  • Conversational messages, not just buttons

  • Multilingual capabilities

  • Relevant, accurate replies, even to complex questions

  • 24/7 availability

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One size doesn't fit all

Customizable & flexible

Whether you want to add sophisticated AI chatbots to your website or use a single feature like GPT Suggested Replies to save your team time, you can customize Drift’s suite of AI tools to your needs.

Our patented AI learns from your conversation history, website + content information, and brand voice, and comes trained on 100M+ B2B buying conversations to give you richer, more contextual conversations that don't just respond accurately — they drive your pipeline growth.

  • Expansive suite of AI options

  • Customized and enriched for your business

  • Richer, more contextual conversations

  • Thoughtful guardrails and control

conversational ai funnel

AI that’s ready when you are

Easy to start and maintain

Imagine jumpstarting your AI journey as quickly as brewing a cup of coffee. That's the reality with Drift’s Conversational AI, which comes with 60+ topics ready for use on day 1, requires no code, and can train the model 5x faster than traditional methods.

It’s made for marketers, which means less time learning data science and more time delivering valuable, lead-generating experiences for buyers.

  • Fast onboarding

  • AI model training in minutes

  • Real-time visibility into performance

  • AI support services

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See the results For yourself

30% - Q/Q increase in pipeline influenced

2X - higher conversion rate from MQL to SQL with AI

#1 - fastest channel to convert MQL to pipeline

okta case study

Explore features

AI-powered chatbots

Engage your website visitors with human-like conversations. Visitors can ask open-text questions, get recommendations, or book a meeting, 24/7.

GPT suggested replies

Automatically generate potential replies in a live chat, based on a customer’s website content, marketing materials, and the context of that specific conversation.

GPT language translations

Instantly talk to visitors in their preferred language to deliver relevant customer interactions that build trust long term without draining your budget or team.

AI engagement score

Get an intent score based on a prospective account’s number of engagement activities and the relevance of those activities to your business.

AI insights

Drift’s patented, best-in-class AI technology surfaces topics coming up in chat, so you can make data-driven decisions across your go-to-market teams.

AI conversational review and rating

Get performance transparency and foster continuous improvement with quick, thumbs-up, thumbs-down ratings of how well the AI bots responded to requests.

AI playbook templates

Get started fast with our AI playbook templates, which come ready to use with pre-built common conversation paths.

Frequently Asked Questions