Drift Intel

Create seamless buying experiences.

Drift Intel enables you to instantly qualify leads and accounts - without forms - so you can deliver a personalized experience the moment they arrive on your site.

drift intel hero

Uncover opportunities from anonymous traffic

Drift Intel gives you the information you used to have to ask visitors for - like company name, industry, employee count, revenue, location, etc. - in real-time. It's X-ray vision for qualified leads.

drift site visitor intel

Give visitors an experience that stands out

Automatically greet all of your visitors with a message that's personalized with details from their company profile, instead of a one-size-fits-all message.

drift intel notification

Match the right reps to the right buyers

Drift Intel routes qualified leads to the right rep based on company profile info like account, region, company size, or more. Account owners are instantly notified so they can reach out in real-time - and if they're not available, a chatbot jumps in and books the meeting for them.

drift intel chat
state street global logo

We proved that we can significantly reduce the time to revenue by allowing our sales team to get that immediate opportunity to speak with a prospective client.

Kat Marx headshot
Kate Marx
VP, Head of Digital Training and Transformation Program Management