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3 ways Salesloft became a game changer for marketing ops at Advanced


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Since joining the Salesloft family, Tomas Buckby, Marketing Operations Manager at Advanced, has witnessed a marked difference in the performance of his team. 

“When they log in, the tasks are ready to go. They don’t have to find them. They don’t have to do the work to set them off. They just open the platform. And what they need to do is there,” he said while sharing at Saleslove on Tour in London. For him, it was easy to notice how much his team was better able to prioritize what they wanted to do in a day, whether that was sending emails, having phone calls, or even analyzing their past performances to see how to improve going forward.

So we wanted to know just what sort of impact Tomas had seen for his team over their time using Salesloft. He shared 3 main points that summed up his experience thus far.

1. Renewed rep focus (thanks to Rhythm)

This is a powerful instance where Tomas said his marketing operations team saw a huge impact. He mentioned that before Salesloft, his sales reps would log in to their old tool at the beginning of the day to view all their tasks. But the amount was often so much that they didn’t know where to start. “Having Rhythm use machine learning to tell them this is going to be the steps that you need to focus on first, it’s been a game changer already.” With Rhythm as part of his team’s workflow now, his team’s tasks are organized in a way that his sales reps can attack bit by bit. Plus, those tasks are prioritized by value, too. Tomas continued to share how the amount of opportunities that his team gained by having Rhythm automatically surface what would have been just lost in the noise before has made his team’s lives easier than ever.

Having Rhythm use machine learning to tell sellers the steps that they need to focus on first, it’s been a game changer already.

2. Accomplishing more with less 

For this next point, Tomas shared how his main goal is generating marketing opportunities that go all the way through to closed won. So when it came to his team’s marketing approach for industries like healthcare, public sector, or commercial, the lenses his reps needed to view those segments of the market through were all very different. They all buy in different ways. But with Salesloft, the team at Advanced isn’t left in the dark about how to make moves towards prospects in different industries. “Salesloft tells us through real-time data which approach works best for different areas and industries,” Tomas said. “I’m doing more with less. It massively drove our marketing-led revenue.”

Salesloft tells us through real-time data which approach works best for different areas and industries. I’m doing more with less. It massively drove our marketing-led revenue.

3. Timesaving automation

If that wasn’t enough, Tomas and the Marketing Operations team at Advanced also discovered just how much time Salesloft gave them back in their workday. “It’s the functionality,” Tomas said about how the revenue workflow platform can be stretched to fit their team’s specific needs. For example, his team actually automated their inbound model off Salesloft technology. So when they receive an inbound lead, it uses Salesloft’s automation to pull that lead into a cadence for a rep. Their sales reps don’t even need to see the lead before it’s already there and ready to go. “That extra saving that’s beyond automating what they’re already prospecting. Just such a timesaver.” Not to mention it’s better for the prospect, too, because they get better sales engagement from the start. 

That extra saving that’s beyond automating what [the team is] already prospecting. Just such a timesaver.

The difference is Salesloft

“Without Salesloft, to be honest, we’d probably take ten steps backwards,” Tomas said. And he has no intention of going back to the days before. He admitted that when he first started out, a seller couldn’t even be sure if their emails were landing or if their calls were hitting the right stakeholder. Since those days, the game hasn’t stopped changing. And with Salesloft helping him and his team win, he sees no point in going back now.