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Ask Me Anything: Analytics to Pay Attention To


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Alright. Hey, everyone. Thank you so much for joining this morning's Ask Me Anything session. Today, we're gonna be talking all things SalesLoft Analytics, and I'm joined by two amazing members of our, customer team, Sarah and Max.

I'll give them a chance to introduce themselves in just a few minutes. And but, today is really our first true ask me anything style session. So we've, you know, we reached out, got some really great questions from, a lot of you people here today. We also sourced some questions internally, just, you know, working with our customer support team to see what kinds of questions do you guys get about analytics, because we know it's a really hot topic, and we know it's a like a beast to understand.

Right? There's so many different areas for analytics.

There's a lot of good data, but we don't exactly know what to do with it. So our goal today is to really just help you get answers to those questions that you've maybe been, thinking about, hearing from your teams.

And, if you didn't get a chance to submit a question to us in advance, there is gonna be opportunity to ask those questions here today, or or maybe something we talk about jogs your memory of something that you're curious about. So, Sarah, if you wouldn't mind moving to the next slide.

On the right side of your screen, you you're gonna see a, menu of buttons. Okay?

And, one of those is going to be for the q and a.

And so, my screen is jumping around. Hopefully, yours is not. But the q and a is a private way to ask questions. So you can, submit your question, and Sarah and Max, I'm gonna, you know, share that question with them, when the time feels right. And, and you can also submit them anonymously.

You can certainly do that, and we will still address the questions either way. If you have a comment or just anything that you'd like to share, definitely pop that into the chat. But the q and a is definitely gonna be the best way for us to manage any questions that come through today.

And that's pretty straightforward, but, the last thing to say here is that, if anything comes up after today or maybe you're watching this recording after the fact, another great resource to get your questions answered is gonna be through our daily office hours. And so we have the link displayed up there. It's just on the events page of our website.

And, our office hours are hosted by, team members just like Sarah and Max who are talking to customers every single day, and they can answer, any questions, analytics topics, or, you know, anything else that you have top of mind.

And so now let's move on to the next slide. And, really, you know, I'm kicking things off, and I haven't introduced myself yet. Yet. My name is Mimi Noto. I'm the product education specialist here at SalesLoft, and I'm a part of our customer education team. And what I do is I simply just oversee our customer programs.

And so I invited Max and Sarah today to help me with this session because they're really the experts in understanding our analytics, coaching you on your best places to look, depending on your role, what you're looking to learn. So, I brought them on, and they, have really helped me prepare the questions and, and are gonna give you really great insights today. So with that, Max, if you wanna kick things off and just intro yourself, and then we'll kick it over to Sarah.

Yes. Great to be here today.

And excited to be discussing this with you all, definitely this morning, this afternoon, depending where you're at.

Can you guys hear me okay?

It's getting better. It definitely started a little rocky. But yeah.

It's a little rocky.

My power's out, so my traffic's out in here and me.

I have some walkthroughs. My car's in the garage and it's stuck there. So there's a lot of stuff going on there. But each other we do today, my name is Max Stillman.

I'm one of our senior consultants. I'm at customer consulting services team. I'm respectful for California to find the customers find and optimize their value to SalesLoft, time's going. And so for all of the things that they need, whether it is price implementation, pre implementation, some of our paid strategies and, and I'm guessing we'll be talking about today as best as I can do all of that.

Sarah, can you?

Yeah. Thanks. I'm Sarah Waldman. I am a senior customer success manager here at SalesLoft, and I've been at SalesLoft just coming up to four years. And so I I work across a dedicated book of customers. I also run office hours as well. So, yeah, just excited to talk through, where you can find some good insights across the platform.

Awesome. So, you know, really, the best place to get the answers for all of your burning analytics questions are gonna be in the SalesLoft app. So, Sarah has our demo environment pulled up, and we really thought about the best way to approach this, based on the questions that we had received already. And I think it's important to really, like, set the basics.

Right? Let's get a lay of the land. And a lot of questions are surrounding, like, where do I even find my insights? Like, where do these analytics live?

I see different stats and graphs all over the place. So, if we could start with just a general understanding of, like, where do I find my analytics in app, and then we can go from there.

Yeah. Absolutely. So a couple things, and we're gonna go into detail related to some questions. But, some areas that you can find analytics today are, under the workspace, you'll see there is a coaching tab.

This is the view that we're currently sitting on. And then we have navigated analytics into this or into this tab where we've the tab was there, but we've reorganized what falls underneath the tab, calling it our analytics hub, and it's broken into if you have deals, it's broken into four sections. So the pipeline review is specific to having access to our deals or opportunity management solution. Otherwise, you will see the three options.

So prospecting, team productivity, and then content performance. And I've got those broken out into these three tabs here. And then within those tabs, there is a breakdown, of some insights that you can gather. So, again, we'll go be going through some of these as part of answering some of the questions that we had taken beforehand.

But, yes, these are two areas, that you can start to go to look to find those analytics.

Awesome. Yeah. I think the reorganization of the analytics on our global nav has been super helpful to find where they are, but now it's like, alright. What's there? What do I what is this telling me, and what answers can I get? Right?

Awesome. So, we also have our coaching dashboard.

Is that a good place where you would find analytics, or what would I do, like, in that section? Because there's there's really awesome insights there too.

Yeah. Max, do you wanna start do you wanna do you wanna start with that question, or would you like me to answer it?

Yeah. Absolutely. Just to confirm, can you hear me okay?

Yeah. Can you, are you wearing air AirPods?

I am.

Can you, maybe turn off the background noise or, like, isolate it? And then I don't know. Just also make sure that your audio is both connected, not just the computer, but that the microphone and the sound is also connected to the AirPods.

It is. Is it still pretty bad?

It just it's a little it is a little muffled or a little hard to hear.

Yeah. It's, I don't know.

But we appreciate you guys.

Well, I've done it.

Okay. I'll just be.

Okay. Our chat group. So for everyone on the call, what I'll see is the email. It's actually the platform for and just just search for the scary. You know?

But I think the end of the question is for is really dive deep into certain areas. So if I'm looking for the content, so I'm just gonna go to the content piece if you look at your test line, what are we doing for meetings, emails, calls, etcetera. I'll get that.

Then where I would go to coaching those for the alarm. I'll just the manager hub. Being able to see and everything that is in the modules for the people that are.

And so we go to the coaching side of the platform. We're going to see some information on what I'll call that to do. Some information on your team are compared to other teams, but it also has been weighted to go into how do your individuals compare to each other across your platform.

So, Max, I'm gonna pause you there real quick because it's a little hard. So I just I'm gonna recap what you just shared just to make sure everyone could hear that.

So, essentially, what Max was just saying there is to think about this as your manager's hub. Because from this view, we can get a ten thousand foot view of your team, and then we also can look down and start to get a little deeper and pull back to look at individuals and on from there. So what you can see from this view here is that these tabs and panels are all edit adjustable based on the the things that you care about. So for you as your manager of your team, maybe the two main criteria or components that you're tracking most closely are just activities and bookings.

Right? So you can certainly toggle off successes and just be looking at those two blocks. And, again, we are set by group and then also by a time frame. So I can see at a very high level what's happening.

I can also see some additional information around this is gonna show me by default ops created. But, again, if my focus my area of focus is looking at meetings booked, it would then allow me to then see meetings booked across those particular teams. So, again, how am I comparing maybe to the other teams that are part of my group?

And then here, we can see the top individuals by meetings booked, and we can see some additional options here. And where this, this box of information becomes really, impact like, impactful and also helpful is that we're looking at efficiency.

So from highly effective to ineffective, and this is, again, based on activities and meetings booked. So, essentially, saying, who is, who is somebody who is sending a ton of activity but not booking a lot of meetings? This would be somebody in this kind of red box here. So we can see total activities is eight hundred and forty.

Meetings booked is ten. Versus if we look at somebody who's on this right hand side, where we've got also a a big significant number of activities, but we're also seeing a large number of meetings booked. So the idea being who is being effective, while also, not kinda spinning their wheels. So you'd be then highlighting on these people who are red and then be wanting to understand how can is it that we can help James who's got a thousand activities but only booking seven meetings?

How can we improve his activity to meeting booked ratio? Is it that we need to take a look at the type of activities he's doing?

Or is he maybe not personalizing his communication, or is there something that's not happening that's limiting his ability in order to be effective at booking those meetings?

The last part here is looking at contact or conversion funnel. So we can see here people touched all the way through closed one. So, again, few things on this main dashboard, and then we can go into, other parts of the platform.

Any anything you think we should anything else you think that we should highlight there?

We did a we had a great question come through, that I wanna address. But, and then we can see, Max, if there's anything else you wanna touch on.

So this question is really fitting for the space that we're in.

They asked, how can I set goals for the team slash individuals so that those are visible on the coaching view?

Like, talk about a tee up. Right? Like so thank you for that question. So when we, this is where you would set up individual goals.

And so from this page and, sorry, we use a demo helper for this, and so it sometimes can cause a little lag in in, information populating. But this is a great place to go. So, one, this will allow you not only to set team goals. So if you wanted to set the same goals for all of your users, you would just navigate to this checkbox and then set goals.

Now it could be possible I know often in a scenario, you have on your team a set of reps that are varied in their experience and tenure at the organization. And so they may not all have the same goals. Right? Maybe Mimi has just joined the team, and so she's on a ramp.

Her meetings booked, you know, calls logged, emails sent. Right? That's gonna look different from maybe somebody like Max who's been on the team for, you know, eighteen, twenty four months. Right?

So you can also set them in an individual level.

So if I wanted to set that at an individual level, I can hit set goals on the particular, tile. And you also have the ability here to adjust any of these metrics. We can show you a maximum of three, but you could hide two of these or one of these if there were only, you know, one or two goals that the team is really focused on. You can also see that in the drop down, you have various ways that you could be, looking at goals.

Obviously, you know, some teams have different focus levels than other teams. Right? I know a lot of my customers, personally, the ones the customers that I support, accounts have been a really key driver in terms of a KPI and how many accounts are being touched or people add accounts. So it's not just about how many emails are being sent, but how much penetration, are we actually getting across our books of business.

Right? So you can then see that there's a few different options here that you can select.

You can choose that time frame. So it's either gonna be weekly or monthly and then your target goal. And then you'll see that at a really nice glance, you can see that if they're purple, they are behind. If it isn't gold, they are, meeting or exceeding those expectations. Right? So if we look at somebody like Carter here, his goal of adding twenty five people a week, he's added thirty seven, so he's actually exceeded his particular goal.

So, again, we'll give you at that high level what that means, and then we can and then from here, you can actually dig in to the particular performance of these reps.

Max, anything else you'd add about kind of goal setting or setting up this page?

Potentially. Are you able to hear me any better? No. Can you hear me any better?

Yeah. That is actually better.


I think the biggest thing that I would I would hit on is what you already said, which is you can differentiate goals for different people. And so everyone should not have the same goal. And then the other piece that I would say is, what I work with a lot a lot of my teams on is not just setting activity goals to set activities, but similar to, I think it was, Jay's question in the chat, setting goals that will actually reach our KPIs. And so if we know that we should be doing, you know, fifty emails and twenty phone calls, per week, and that is what possibly gets us a meeting or an opportunity with some of our customers or some of our books and business, those should be our goals and not seventy five emails just because we wanna hit seventy five emails in a week.

It's really making sure that our activity or the things that we're doing have quality and a reason behind them, and ensuring that our goals align to that quality and to that, to a reason versus just saying, let's do, you know, sixty emails to do sixty emails if that does make sense.

It's such a great call out because I I I think that, you know, often, you could Google and find out what kind of standard KPI metrics could be. And and that's exactly it's a standard, and it's not necessarily something that's gonna that could or would work best within your organization. And if you're kind of not sure where to start I mean, I think sometimes we refer to, like, the back of the napkin map, like, work backwards. Like, Like, you know, Max and I were talking about this yesterday.

You know, think about how many opportunities your team needs to create and then kind of work backward. If you know that, in general, when you look at your own past activity that it takes, you know, two hundred and fifty emails to book ten meetings. We know that you need at least ten meetings to create five opportunities. Right?

So you may wanna just think about it from that perspective. And if you're not sure where to start, if these are things that you can start tracking now, that goal or what those KPIs can start to iterate over time. Right? And that's how it should be.

I think I think what a lot of people forget that in sales, a lot of what we do here is, like, living and breathing. Right? Your content should never remain the same. Goals should never necessarily remain the same, right, because the environment is changing, and we have to adapt to what's happening, in the environment.

So we know that previously, you know, you could send a lot of emails and book meetings just from emails. But what we know now is that, you know, getting emails through to inboxes and that cut through is a lot harder now than it used to be. And so we need to be thinking about other parts of our strategy. So, again, if you're not sure what those metrics should look like now, you could certainly start with kind of some general KPIs and then start to track this over a quarter or two quarters, and then start to see what you could actually adjust and hone based on how you the, the own team's performance or how these KPIs actually work in your industry.

Right? Because, again, every cup you know, customer every company might have different, targets in terms of its ideal customer profile fit and also your persona like, your ideal persona.

And depending on who that is, right, you're gonna have the metrics to get through that cut through with those particular personas is gonna be different.

So Yeah, man.

One piece just to add there. Sarah, you almost mentioned it as well, which is you all probably have rates, goals already being set within your organization. And so if you have reps that are exceeding and hitting hitting quota going to club every month, every year, look at the things that they're doing and take their their sort of baseline and their activities, and those can be goals for the newer folks or the people that are struggling. And so making sure that we see oh, Sarah is finding a ton of success.

What are they doing? Are they doing a lot of emails, a lot of phone calls? What do those look like, or other? And, you know, how many accounts are they touching?

Whatever it might be. And taking the wins from those, you know, high performers, and then trying to get the other folks up to that moment.

That's a great callout. That's a great callout.

One thing I might kinda jump into now unless there's another question I was gonna just say once you actually expand into one of these profiles and then to talk about how, from the coaching, you can see how how a rep is performing, as it relates to the rest of the team.

Yeah. I think we may have indirectly answered Josh's question, and you could probably see it in the q and a, Sarah, because it's it's sort of long, and I don't want you to miss anything. But it's essentially asking, can we see the effectiveness at the client level? So, like, how many activities are optimal to book a meeting, and then does that differ according to rep or customer profile? Let's see if you have anything else to share there.

I mean, I think it I mean, from the customer profile, I think it my view is it can be different because, again, that goes back to like, if your if your ideal persona or customer profile is a a CIO, like, we know that notoriously, that is, like, one of the hardest personas to to get to.

Right? And so the number of activities and actions that it's gonna take to kind of penetrate that is gonna be different than trying to get to a director of IT or somebody who's lower or maybe even somebody who's in a different persona. So I do think that that, like, I think as you start to see your reps work and and some things that you can do to try to help understand, how things work against different personas is using cadences. So if we look at things like cadence based personas, you can then start to see how does that how does that cadence perform over a different persona. That might give you some indication as to, like, either we need to change the approach for that persona or we need to make some adjustments either way.

I don't know.

What any Max, anything you would add to that, or does that all kind of align with what I hope Yeah.

That's what I would say. And then I would just hit on the rep side, which is it does differ based on the rep, and that goes to experience as well as the quality, of what we're doing.

And then, sir, I think just to note, let's look at this in step analytics later where you can see, you know, what's where things converting.

But, yeah, thanks for the rep as well.

So if, you know, if we have a rep that is, that is more of the volume side of things where they're sending a lot of emails, not doing a set of phone calls, being more based on this one channel, they might be finding less success than what that is across multiple channels. Just just talking to people, and then they start throughout the day, throughout the week, and is leveraging email from LinkedIn, etcetera, they might be finding some more success and maybe quicker success. And so that also goes to kind of the quality and type of activity or outreach so it'll be the person to do.

Yeah. That's a great call.

So just a couple Yeah. We can. So we're we're not gonna go like, this can we can go pretty deep on this, coaching thing because there's a lot here. But a couple things that we wanna call out, there's kinda two things here. We wanna call it on kind of these three panels.

And then the other thing, there's a bit more here too, but we're we'll we'll start there. And then, the last thing that we're gonna touch on and then move on from coaching, is gonna be scheduled action. So when we look at and, again, these there are there's the ability to navigate between various types of, options here across these comparisons. But, again, these are I'm mostly looking at team comparisons.

So how is this case, Amber, how is she performing as it relates to touches per account versus the rest of the team? Right? And so we can see with Amber is that she is performing better. So she's reaching out to more accounts, than the team average.

But we can also see anytime you see these numbers in an up or down and then a percentage, that is a comparison over the same time frame from the previous month. Right? So this would say this is up a hundred and fourteen percent over the previous month.

But when we look at this, right, we can see I can hover into this box, and I can see her touches. And then on this line graph, I can see that she is more successful. So she's above the line versus below the line in terms of what her activity is. And then we can see some similar types of, information, again, if you're looking at activities per meeting.

So, again, this tells me, that she is, underperforming in terms of activity. Oh, I guess, really, this makes her more efficient because she has got I don't know if it's, like, efficient. How would you say that? She has, she's booking fewer meetings for but it I don't know if it we're actually looking at how how would you how would you say the or talk through this one, Max?

In comparison. Sorry.

Sorry. I was answering a question in the chat. Which one here?

Oh, sorry. This one, this team comparison, activities by meeting, how would you talk through this panel?

So that is saying that this user is completing or or is having twenty one activities per meeting compared to the two average of thirty one. So they are more effective in booking meetings, meaning that they're using less activities to get to one meeting.

Thank you. That's what I thought. I just wasn't sure. Yeah. So, essentially, again, that's saying that this is an efficiency play. And so, again, she is, in this case, more effective at booking meetings. And then you can see, again, several other, ways to look at this data again as it allows you to compare from the people across the rest of the team.

One thing just to to kinda get everyone on the same mindset as well as we're looking at this information. If this is the first time you're seeing coaching or you haven't used this before, I don't know if you guys could hear me at the beginning when I said this. This is that manager. And so if you're going into a one on one conversation or you're looking to talk to your team and talking to specific reps at one time, this is really the spot that you guys should be going to to see what are they doing and how does it compare to the rest of my groups. Because here you're able to see, oh, in this case, this user is more effective for booking meetings, but they also added less people to cadences. And on the right hand side there, you can see there's so much information that's comparing them to the rest of their group, doing the same thing, talking to the same customers, selling the same products.

And you're able to get, like, really key insights of what is working and what's not working, and then where do we go from there.

And so that's kind of the mindset that I would just have as we're looking at all this data. And I just wanted to sort of set that stage here as soon as we started this.


That's a good call.

And, again, I think, the idea beyond all of this and is, like, one, we're giving you some some conversation points to understand. Right? Like, this won't give you all the answers, but it's a help to helping to kinda guide you down a path for a conversation that you can have during your one on one. Right?

Like, this is gonna give you some ideas to talk through, like, you know, hey. I can see that you're, like, really effective at booking meetings. Can you talk me a bit through your process or talk me through what are you finding that's really working for you? Right?

Because we wanna be able to take those insights and those learnings that Amber is experiencing and then be able to pull that across to the rest of the team. Right? That's how we lift kind of everyone up. So, absolutely.

We'll kinda we'll kinda stop here unless somebody has any questions. The last thing because you can see there is some additional, kind of tabs that you can click through. The last piece here is scheduled actions. And the one and why I often like to share this part with customers is because it kinda gives you a sense of what is the daily what daily tasks does your team have on, and what does their week look like?

And so if we look at this example, this will give you the name of the rep. You can filter this based on your particular group or a particular user, and then it will tell you what they have due today. Right? So, again, if we wanna use our example of, Amber so I'm gonna come into Amber.

So I just wanna look at her, particular week. Right? So it's showing me today and then the next four business days.

And as we can see here, if I hover into these bar graphs, it's gonna tell me what does she have due today. So her current day is forty three emails, thirty two calls, and eight other steps. Other is is is exactly that other.

So and, again, that just gives you an idea of, like, is this is is Amber gonna be overwhelmed, or is she overwhelmed, Or is she struggling in a particular area? Like, if I were to see this particular graph and even the this these numbers aren't bad, but what I sometimes see with, customers is that the emails will be very low, but the calls will be very high. And that's because they're either skipping the phone calls because they're not comfortable or they don't like doing them. But this usually can give you an indication of maybe where a rep is stuck. Like, okay. Wow. I can see here that for whatever reason, because these are gonna be steps that are due today or that are overdue.

And so this again can give you an indication of workload. It can give you an indication of, hey. Where do I maybe need to provide some coaching? Because there is a disproportionate number of activities that are due.

And, you know, if you can imagine being a rep and opening up your sales loft and having eight hundred actions due. Right? Like, your head might spin a little bit. So maybe there's even a coaching opportunity to talk about how we can clean some of that up so that you can really help keep reps focused.

Right? So there's just a a process or a learning there to help kind of reorient, your reps. So, again, this can be really helpful. I mean, again, in just getting that ten thousand foot view about what's going on with your reps in kind of day to day.

Max, anything you'd add on on this page?

You covered it all. Can you still hear me okay?


The one thing I would just mention that you might have said this is if you're seeing everything up at the very front on the today, that just means they're having a lot of overdue steps, and then we might wanna revisit the idea of how to add people to cadences in the right way, or minimizing the amount of people that we're doing, daily actions on just because we have too many currently in our workflow.

That's exactly right. So, essentially, I think what you're saying there, Max, and correct me if I'm wrong, we essentially kind of wanna see a graph that looks somewhat consistent. We don't wanna see everything front loaded and then hardly any steps here. Correct?


Because that would mean that they're not actually adding like, consistently adding and running steps every day.

Yeah. And, again, the whole idea is with with the cadence, we wanna be completing steps across many days, many weeks, many channels. And if you have everything on one time, that means you're just doing it involved once once once, and that's gonna be less effective than the the spread out version.

Yeah. I think it also, like, likely means you've got a bunch of overdue steps, and then that goes kind of what you're saying. It goes back to the idea that it's very hard to assess the efficacy or the effectiveness of a cadence if the steps aren't happening. Right? So, you know, we we get this question a lot about, hey. How do I, like I how do I know if this this cadence is performing?

And the question comes back to, well, if your rep is completing day one step today and then day three, which in this case should happen on Friday, isn't happening until two weeks from now. Like, it's very hard to assess whether or not that cadence is working because it's we're not following the plan. Right? We're not following the cadence.

So it's a really key, component of cadence analytics is ensuring that reps are actually doing the steps when they're due or doing their best that they can. We know that, you know, obviously, there's a lot of actions that there are things that they're doing throughout the day, but a goal is to try to complete as many of your, you know, steps that are due on the date that they're due.

Yeah. Jay just asked a good question about this, which is one of my favorite questions, which is what is, like, the, you know, the the best practice for how many people at least add the cadences because it can get overwhelming.

And, and, Jay, there isn't a great answer just because it does depend on how many cadences they have, how many accounts are working, what the business looks like. So many things can factor into this. But what I would say is just start small, and then also think about from the rep's perspective, what is actually feasible to do in a day? Can I do, you know, twenty emails and ten calls a month? Can I do a hundred emails and five phone calls? Should I do fifty phone calls? Sort of looks like what is the goal?

And then making sure the cadences are set up for that. Do you have too many steps in one day? Do you have too many cadences to action? What does this what does the structure actually look like? And then from there, we're really seeing the cadence consistently. And so not adding a hundred people on Monday, but adding maybe five people on Monday, ten people Tuesday, three people Wednesday. And having it be that consistent feed versus a bulk bulk bulk.

And so those couple things combined might help minimize that, but that's the only way to go.

I totally agree with that. I mean, I think that I think sometimes what happens is reps come in on a Monday, and they're like, great. I'm getting I'm gonna be ready. I'm gonna load two hundred and fifty people into this cadence.

They get to the end of day Monday because, again, they've had internal meetings. They've, maybe had prospect meetings. They've had other things happen, and they only complete a hundred of those steps. And now tomorrow, they have a hundred and fifty outstanding steps, and so maybe they get through a bit more.

But then now all these steps start to compound. And instead of being able to create like, I sometimes refer to it as, like, you know, the faucet is on a a slow drip. Like, when when there's a freeze and you wanna make sure that your pipes don't burst, and so you leave that little trickle going, this is kinda the same idea with this. Like, every day, the rep should be adding a few more people so that we're in this constant cycle of, of running cadences versus dumping a bunch of people in, not being able to get to those, then things kind of compounding through the week, and it kind of only gets worse.

So I definitely think, you know, thinking about managing, you know, workload, thinking about, you know, consistently adding people into cadences every day and running through those steps is is good practice.

The the last thing I'll the one last thing that I'll call out here before we kinda step away from coaching is that there is also, another I think it's under individual.

I'm looking for the the chart. Where am I? Oh, you know, I know what I'm doing wrong. Okay. Hold on.

Under, here, you have three tabs. So the three tabs are explore, compare teams, and compare individuals.

This compare individuals can be another place to see what's happening across your reps, in a single view. Right? So on the goal setting page, we can see what's happening. You can also see some of that information here under compare individuals, and this will give you some additional, reporting columns.

And so what you can do here is you can actually edit these columns. You'll see there's a whole bunch of, options here in terms of data points. So you could reduce this. This is what I typically recommend doing.

Reduce the number of columns to the things that are important to you. And then once you do that, you'll then just continue to see those particular columns, and it's a really good way, again, at a line of sight, to understand what's the daily activity for my team. Like, what's happening, in this particular time frame? Again, if I need to adjust the time frame, that happens, here at the top under the date, and you will see you've got a number of date options.

But, this again will give you that kind of idea of, like, are my reps completing tasks on time? What does our meeting booked look like? You know, what kind of information can I get from kind of what's happening here? So, again, this can be a really nice view.

Again, this is the compare individuals.

We are pulling in some of those goals, so you can also see how they're tracking, but you'll get some additional, activity related metrics.

So cool. I think we can do we feel confident we can can button up coaching and move on?

We have one more question. Okay.

Great. Yeah. One is to be setting goals for the team. And this is, can you go to compare teams down there?


For actual, for, like, for the group. So can you go to compare teams tab? Just one of the top left there.

Oops. Sorry. I think I just clicked too many things. Hold on. Give me a second.

This demo, or it takes a second.

So, Vasu, to your question, you should be able to do it here on your edit polls, or if you've done your settings and then goals is another spot you're able to do. So I'll go ahead and have those two spots. And then the last thing that I like to highlight is just my favorite view really in all of analytics, which is under the individual tab.

This one here, the one we're just on, or a different one? Yep.

Yep. And the email section. And, Sisir, if you could just go to that real quickly or sorry. The individual tab at the top.

Oh, sorry. Yes.

The goals pages and then drilling into a specific person.

And so for all of our direct sales managers, frontline managers, anyone managing, direct sellers. My favorite view of all of Analytics and SalesLoft is this one. So if you go into an individual person, and then you go to the emails window, and then just put positive replies to replies just because I wanna see total reply percentage versus the ones that we deemed positive.

Yeah. It's gonna take a second. Sorry. This Yeah.

It's all good.

And so let's go through the quality of our activities. And so something that I work on every single one of my teams is making sure that the emails we send have a couple things. What the first is personalization, and then the second is prior to even sending the email with the purpose. Why are you actually talking to that person on that day?

What is your goal? Do you want them to book a meeting with you, put out a link, reply to the email, just open it. What's the actual goal of the email? Making sure we have that.

And then in addition, the email has that quality or that personalization in it. This is the spot that you can see that in a great way. So, sir, if you just scroll up a little bit and then flip that positive to replies, this is where you can see on the right hand side for this user compared to their team, how many emails have they sent in this time frame. So a good baseline just on, oh, you know, this person has sent a hundred seventy more emails than the rest of that team.

That's really good for me to know. I can see on the left hand side, they're also personalizing their emails on average, twenty percent more than the rest of their group. So they're sending more emails and personalizing more. And then on the far left, they have a high reply rate.

That's telling me that this user is great. They're sending more emails. They're personalizing more of them about half of each email, almost sixty percent of your Gmail, and they're getting a, you know, twelve percent more reply rate than the rest of their team. This is someone that we wanna pull from and see what do they do.

What are their subject lines to get people open the email? What are they personalizing with? What is their CTA? What are their asks?

They're someone that's finding success. Let's pull from that and push that success the success there to the rest of my sellers. Or on the flip side, if I were to see the opposite here, they're not doing well, that's where I can go to them and we can talk more about coaching. What are you doing differently?

How can we get this better? Where are you finding these people, the personalization info, etcetera? And how can I upload this specific person? But this is really my favorite view because this helps me understand, are they doing too much?

Is what they're doing quality? And is it working? And how can we improve it from there?

That's a great call. I'm just gonna reiterate just in case anyone didn't catch, everything that Max said. So, again, when we look at three these three boxes boxes, sorry. We adjusted the results by replied.

And then if we go from kind of right to left. Right? So in this scenario, our rep Amber here has sent more emails. So she sent a hundred eight hundred and twenty five emails in this month versus the team average, which is seven hundred and sixty.

So she's sending more emails. What we also find is that she's personalizing more than the rest of the team. And so this is important too. We wanna make sure that reps are are personalizing.

You know, they aren't just sending out the canned message, but it is something that's specific. And then on the left, we can see that what that essentially is translating to for for Amber Amber is that she actually has, a higher response rate. So her response rate is thirty four percent when the rest of the team average is under twenty. Right?

So, again, in this scenario, this would tell you, again, that ten thousand foot view, that Amber is doing a few things really well. So we wanna dig in to understand. And then on the reverse to that is if these numbers were not good, they were in the other direction, that's an opportunity for coaching to understand where is this rep getting stuck, what behavior is happening, and how do we start to course correct.

Is that did I nail or do a good job of summarizing what you said there? Or say more maybe, Max?

Did I go over that?

Thank you. Okay. Good.


I think we're all set with questions on coaching.

So, wherever you wanna take us to next, I think we were gonna focus on content maybe, but you take us there, Sarah.

Yeah. I think, what we can do next is yeah. Let's just talk through that. So, again, where we can I'll get rid of this tab now that we'll just work on this next one.

So, again, now we're gonna, focus in on the analytics hub. Right? And so analytics hub has been redesigned into these four tabs, And the idea is it's helped to better help answer questions as opposed to having lots of tiles with with lots of data. We've kind of grouped them, in a way that we think is, gonna be easier to see what's happening.

Right? And so whether it relates to content, whether it's team or prospecting, we can now see that, here. A couple of housekeeping things about these views now is the one thing is if you had previously made saved views, inside of SalesLoft, those still exist. Right?

We did not get rid of them. What you'll see is that under the view where it says standard in the drop down arrow, you'll then find custom views. So just know that we didn't remove them. We didn't delete them.

They're just housed underneath this tab depending on kind of where you are. So that is, that. And so how might, customers use this particular page or kind of a a common question that I get as it relates to looking at content performance? There's, like, a few questions.

But the first question I get is, I wanna be able to compare one cadence to another cadence. How can I do that?

So if that was your question, what you'll see is, we've got these boxes which are speaking to process, which, Max loves talking about cadence process. I'm sure he'll talk with you about it in just a second. But the other thing is we scroll down. You'll then see a view, of a column view of cadences.

So the name of the cadence is here and then a bunch of information to the right. So, So, obviously, this is gonna be a lot of information and probably more or more cadences that you wanna look at. And so what you would then do is you would change your date range, make sure that you're looking at your particular user group, and then you're gonna add a filter. And the filter is name.

Right? And so this is now gonna allow me to search for the particular cadences that I want to, compare to to each other over a time period. So this is where you would then go and select those particular views. Right?

You're just gonna select the name or search for the name of the cadences. And then what will happen is that this will then, adjust the view at the bottom to those particular sets of cadences. Now I'm not sure if this will work, but let's just because we're in this demo, but we'll see what happens. Yeah.

But that's how that would work for you. So and then once you're now looking at those three particular cadences, similar to the coaching view, you you would edit the columns and then go ahead and remove any information that maybe isn't relevant based on what you're tracking, and then you can start to see there. And so some things that you might look for, when trying to compare cadences are people added.

Are are we cons because, again, it's hard to judge the the effectiveness of the cadence if we're not adding enough people to the cadence so we can actually see what happens.

You may wanna make sure that you see this first step completed because that will at least tell me, are we adding people, and then are we actually sending the first step? Because, right, no point if we add somebody to a cadence, but they actually don't do anything and they just sit on step one. Right?

So other things that you may use as part of that comparison. So depending if you're looking at opportunities or you're looking at meetings. Right? Because you're maybe wanting to under understand which cadence is driving the most number of meetings.

And then you also might wanna look at some other metrics related to calls, emails, etcetera. Right? Maybe even pulling in, a reply rate. So you'll see there's got a few things that you can adjust based on those reporting columns.

And then make sure that you save the view, right, because you may wanna come back to revisit that, and you don't wanna reset all your filters.

So that's one, question that I feel like I've gotten a bit recently as it relates to cadences. Max, anything that you anything that you hear regarding cadences that you wanna or, like, looking at cadence analytics here?

Yeah. I think there's, a few things that I like to call out when it comes to the cadences. The first that you already said, are we adding people and then completing steps? Those are the first two things. You have to do both to use the cadence effectively.

The other piece would then be, are you hitting sorry. Excuse me. Are you hitting the best practices of multiple channels? And so scrolling through that report, there's a section where you can see calls lost as well as emails sent. Like, even if you scroll way down, you can see LinkedIn steps, other steps, etcetera.

Taking a look at throughout your cadences, are we leveraging those channels? So are they emailing only? Is that something that's an issue? Yeah. If yes, like, how do we assert that call steps to reiterate the purpose of calling cadences or vice vice versa if you're calling too much?

As well as you can use LinkedIn and other steps towards the end.

So, again, multiple channels helps, our prospects, our customers see us our name on email, on phone, on LinkedIn, and that helps build the brand for your sellers, for your reps to get them in the in the door and ultimately get that CTO of a of a meeting or, you know, you know, reply with someone.


What's the wrong way to do that?

Go ahead. Beyond that, then, is this section right here. Are we completing steps on time, overdue, or skipping them? And that's gonna help highlight is are we actually even using the cadence in the way that it was designed? Now are we completing day one on day one, day three on day three, or are we completing day one on day six and day three on day twelve?

As well as we're skipping all of our calls or all of our emails, all of our LinkedIn stuff, etcetera. And so just making sure that the ints are actually being used in the way that they want them to be.

That's exactly right. And and one, other thing that can also be helpful, to think about adding as part of a reporting column is there is actually a, a a column for steps. And then that also will help you understand, again, when you're comparing cadences, like, are they actually equal number of steps? Because, again, that's hard to do.

So and a and a good way for you to check to make sure that the cadences that you're running are kind of following our best practice. Right? So for, like, a general outbound cadence, the, advice has has has been for some time now fourteen to sixteen steps over around twenty four to twenty six business days. I would even kinda challenge that.

Like, again, I think that's a great starting point. And, again, as you start to spend time and your reps spend time in the platform and you start to see some themes, again, that is really, reliant on your teams, following a good process. But what you may find, and we'll we'll talk through cadence step analytics here in a minute, you may find that you actually convert most of your, meetings or most things that happen at step eight. And so you may not need the additional steps.

But I think it's but that's something that you will can learn over time. So, again, general consensus is fourteen to sixteen steps. I advise my customers minimum of ten. So, like, I would like, that's my minimum that I would tell customers to do.

But it it as you start to have time and platform and you start to see what's kind of working and not working, you may find that longer isn't necessarily better. And, again, you'll start to understand the behavior through your teams.

I don't know, Max. Do you do you give that advice, or do you try to get get people to stay to our kind of our general guideline?

My guideline is fine. It works best for each company specifically. And so Yeah. You know, all of my customers are going after they're selling different products.

They're going after different areas of businesses. Some are going after, you know, health health care versus government versus etcetera. And so just making sure that you find what works well for you. And like Sarah said, starting with maybe the best practice, fourteen days is a great starting point.

And And then if you find that everyone is converting on day eight, then it will make the short ones to Monday. So we'll get a couple extra struggles towards the end. But really start with some form of best practice and then see what is working for your team specifically.

Something that helps with that as well is I'm a huge proponent, so you guys have best practices already in your own industry with your own sellers.

Something that's new within, the new modules that we have here. So if you just scroll up slightly, there is a tab oh, you should lower it down. There's a the graph right there, top reps about cadence outcomes, the one in the middle bottom middle.

Yes. This one.

And that is what I like to start with as, to see what's working. And so if I see here, Amber is our top rep from the cadence outcome perspective, I'm gonna go discuss with Amber what cadences are you using, what are we doing from a confident perspective, what, you know, what time are you calling, what time are you using LinkedIn stuff, etcetera, just to find out what their success is and how they're finding that. And then, again, I can start to edit the rest of my cadences by those successes and by the things that they're doing well, to make sure everyone else finds that success.

Yep. That's a great call out. I think this, cadence activity can be helpful too just to make sure that people are kinda being consistent with kind of what they're doing so you can see that kind of consistency through, activities.


Next thing that or or are there any questions?

I was gonna say we could certainly talk through step the plays piece, before we navigate to a couple of Let's go steps just because there's a couple questions on, like, when is something successful in the cadence, and which step would be more successful than others.

And then Yep. Basa, just to quickly head on your question about drilling further into, like, people type, lead source, industry, etcetera. That's not necessarily possible in SalesLoft today. So I'd recommend if you have a CRM, utilize the SalesLoft data that's in your CRM to combine all that information together and do some reports there. That's where I would start.

Yeah. Great idea. Okay. Cool. Do you wanna talk through this page, or do you want me to do it?

Yeah. Happy to. And so, on on the previous page, you can start to see which cadences are successful, which ones have meetings, supplies, opportunities, etcetera.

But when you want to drill further and see what is successful and when is that happening in the cadence, go to the step page up like there, like Sarah is showcasing. And then here, you're able to see what steps in the cadence are actually finding value. So when do meetings get booked, whenever emails are being replied to, which emails have blocked, which steps have the highest openings, supplies, call, call connections, etcetera. That's really where you can drill into when and why are people finding value and success through specific agencies.

Exactly right. So if we think about, like, what that means looking at and, similar to the other parts in SalesLoft, you'll see that there are other ways to view this data. Right? So we we are defaulted here to opportunities.

But, again, maybe for your team, it's meetings. Again, it might look pretty similar. And so this is just giving you some indication that on step three and step eight, after those steps are completed, you're booking the most number of meetings. So for a prime example, if your cadence was only five steps, well, that means that we're missing out on, like, on these meetings that are being booked.

Right? So, like, you're leaving stuff on the table, essentially, and you've even started this process of warming up prospects, and then you were just missing out on a whole bunch of meetings and potentially opportunities that could have been created. So, again, this gives you some really good insight into, like, why again, maybe starting with the standard or the benchmark and then seeing what that looks like, over time can help you hone your cadences and then understand again what that ideal step number is right for your teams.

But that gives you cadence performance. And then, again, as as, Max mentioned, you've got here when and why people leave the cadence. And this can be really impactful too because, if you find that, you know, everyone's leaving after the first step, like, there's some issue here. Like, maybe people are if, like, everyone is marking themselves as do not contact after the first step, like, you may wanna reevaluate what's happening.

So, this can give you some like, another way that I really like to use the when and why people leave is, if I see that a lot of people are leaving by being manually removed. Right? So I've I guess I've just liked everybody else. But if we find that, like, that is the biggest driver from step to step, one, I would say there that could be a potential opportunity for automation.

Right? Our reps are having to manually remove people. One, let's figure out why. Like, why are they manually removing people?

And then, two, is there an opportunity for us to take that off of the rep's plate? Can we initiate some sort of, automation rule based on a call that's being logged, based on an interaction that's happening that will automatically pull that person from the cadence? Right? So, that just gives you again some indication, of where you might be able to improve some processes or, you know, create some more efficiency.

Anything else you wanna call out here?

The one last one would be for our folks that are managing content in SalesLoft or are more aligned to the process that we should be following.

Filtering cadence performance slash skip steps is also very helpful to student ID and what are people not necessarily doing in the process. And so here, I can actually see, you know, everyone is skipping my other stuff on, on step seven.

What is the purpose of that step? Should they actually be doing that? And if so, I can reiterate that we have something wrong in our cadence. For example, I've seen some teams have, you know, this should could showcase all of the calls being skipped.

We actually just don't have phone numbers for our contacts, and send them an email on the cadence.

That's also fine, or, again, reiterate the purpose of calling, etcetera.

That's a great call out. And, again, just in case if you didn't catch that. Right? Looking at cadence performance by skip steps can again give you some indication of, again, where are reps, getting caught in the process or what are they avoiding.

And then the the next part to that is why are they avoiding it. And so that's a really good example here. So in step seven, we can see this as another step. So, one, I would go look at the cadence to look at what is the purpose of that other step, and do we actually need it?

And if it's not needed, well, let's just remove it because it's not adding any particular value. So let's go ahead and just keep take it away. Reps are skipping it anyway.

And then if it's something like the call step so why is it that reps are not making this particular call step? Is it kind of what Max was saying? Is it a challenge related to not having enough phone numbers or not having quality phone numbers? And so maybe the idea is we need to revert that into an email step because we know that we have emails and then the emails are valid. Right? So, again, just gives you information about what's happening at, like, a high level cadence view with your particular reps so that you can coach and guide to make the the process more efficient and more effective.

So, yeah, really good callout. The other thing too, is down here, you will get some more step detail. This can also be a good place to look at skip steps similar to what we can see above. This is the bar graph.

This would give you actual, like, a numb like, a a deeper dive into, like, those actual number of skip steps. And, again, which step is all of that occurring. Right? So, again, we can see here's that other step.

So, again, another way to see that, down here is you can see some additional information related on particular steps. So if you're wanting to see, again, what step is driving the most, creation of meetings or opportunities, you can see that here. As we did in other views, always leverage the edit columns feature. Right?

Like, make the make these reports really work for you. We give a lot of information, and, you know, maybe for you, you're only wanting to look at maybe one or two pieces of, of data.


I know we're kind of, running up to time, Mimi. Do we have five minutes left?

Yeah. We have about five minutes left. So I think, I'm gonna let you I think we have some time for rhythm if you wanted to just quickly poke around in there. There are no new questions that we haven't addressed. At least, I do not believe so. So, we should be able to cover that.

And then I believe I'll send some resources after the fact, to everyone if we don't get a chance to touch on the champions hub, but let's, go into rhythm for a couple minutes.

Yeah. I think that's great.

I mean, there's actually something in analytics. And, also, too, I I'm conscious that, you know, we are giving you there is a lot of insights that can be, found in sales. Often sometimes it can be, like, analysis paralysis. Right?

Like, you can always be overwhelmed by all that's here. So, actually, kind of, like, everything we've given you today is probably enough to get you started and get you kind of, like, analytics curious about, like, what's possible in the platform. So, a couple things that we can talk through as it relates to Rhythm. And so there's kind of two pieces here.

So there's this one piece, and then there is actually a report in analytics related to Rhythm.

And so if your teams aren't using Rhythm today, again, highly recommended.

One, what Rytm does is it leverages our AI model, which is an engagement model that helps to understand or prioritize what your rep should be doing every day. Right? Again, we know that reps are swivel chairing. They're doing a lot of actions and activities.

And so how do we make sure that they're taking the actions and doing and performing the actions that matter? And so when we look at this page, the way that it was is always gonna be set up is it will highlight tasks where there is an open opportunity or a contact related to an open opportunity. You can see the types of inner of tasks that are that are, created here. And then below that, we're then gonna move into these are either cadence plays or one off tasks that are being created, and they'll be, organized here below.

And everything is explainable. Right? So in the, tasks that are related to opportunities, you'll see under the money symbol, it'll give you the details of that particular opportunity. So this, opportunity is due to close on the thirtieth of August.

It's forty thousand. It's currently sending the needs analysis stage. One would probably say that that's probably not gonna close. So right.

So but we also have an open opportunity. Right? This is actually telling me this is a pipeline alert that there's been no recent opportunity, activity. Right?

So this deal probably should be pushed, or closed.

Next, then we get into, related to actual people. So these again are gonna be cadence or tasks or related to our plays, and we're gonna use flames as part of that identification over, like, why they are, listed in the order that they're listed. So here, this is telling me this is three flames. This is telling me that Boris is, has a high buyer engagement, and so this is who I should I should send this email first.

Right? I should take this action first, and I should take this call second. Right? So it's gonna organize this based in a flame model so that, again, if I only have an hour right now to prospect, I'm gonna actually spend my hour in the activities and the tasks that are gonna be the most likely to help progress an opportunity or a prospect.

Right? So, again, spend our time wisely.

There is any questions about this before I maybe jump over to the play the analytics related to the play?

Nothing has come through.

Okay. Max, anything you would add to this before we jump over to the play?

No. You touched on it perfectly. Really just do what's most important first. Reps have a lot going on. They have as we've seen, from a couple questions today, they have more actions and numbers that they can complete in one day. Just making sure that they can get to what is most important, when they get when they have time.


So in analytics, you will actually see there is a a play. And so, again, plays are one part that feeds our rhythm, the rhythm view. And so there are a number of plays that exist in SalesLoft by default, that can either be toggled on or toggled off. And if you're not sure of what those are, you could certainly speak to, one of your admins, or, again, we've got some information on our, help site.

But when we look at, these plays, you can actually get a sense of the particular plays, who's completing them, who's completing them on time. Again, you can see the ones down here. So to give you a sense of if if reps are actually completing those tasks, or are they either deleting them or leaving them overdue? So, again, just can give you some insight in terms of what's happening, from the play level.

So, again, plays are one off tasks, or they can even be multiple tasks that are being generated based on a signal, whether that is a partner signal, so something like seismic or Drift or Highspot or even something, or if something that's related to, like, a meeting that's being booked. Right? And so sending that meeting confirmation or follow-up. So, again, those, do all sit in admin settings.

I'll show you that really quick. So here, those plays sit underneath workflow. And so, again, those can be created or, adjusted, but that's where they live today.

And then now we're at time.

Awesome. We really jam packed this session as much as we could.

I think what brought a ton of value was the questions that came through during, and and, and I'm so so glad that we were able to address some of your really important questions today. I just sent a link to our brand new central hub for learning resources. So if you haven't checked out the champions hub, I linked it in the chat.

It is a your one stop shop for everything, and, also, we will, link to any recorded webinar. So you can access the recording. It should be coming to your inbox, but you should be able to access it here too. So check that out if you haven't already, and definitely more to come there.

But thank you so much, Sarah and Max. This was incredibly valuable. I really appreciate your time, and I appreciate everyone who joined us today. Thank you for taking the time to learn with us.

It means so much. So don't be a stranger. Check out all of our upcoming programs, and, you know, let us know if if you have any other questions, and and check out our office hours. We're all here to help.


Alright. Awesome job. Thank you, everyone.

Thanks, everyone.

In this engaging session, we delve into the current state of Analytics that are available to you within Salesloft, to help you better understand when to access which sales reports at any given time.  Join us as we explore the various dashboard and reports surfaced through the platform, including the recently launched Analytics Hub.

After attending this webinar, you should be able to:

  • Recognize the Analytics Hub to locate team performance data
  • Leverage in-app sales analytics to understand performance data across the entire sales lifecycle
  • Identify dashboards and reports to serve a wide variety of roles with different data needs
  • Implement strategies to identify trends and outliers within your sales data

This webinar is best suited for: Rev Ops, Admins, Sales Leaders, and Sales Managers

Presented by:

Max Stillman Headshot Image

Max Stillman

Senior Consultant, Consulting Services, Salesloft

Sara Waldman Headshot Image

Sara Waldman

Senior Customer Success Manager, Salesloft