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Closed Won: Signal Based Selling


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Alright. Let's go ahead and get started here. Thanks everyone for joining. Really appreciate you carving out a bit of time to jump into our closed one series and today's topic of signal based selling. So we'll go ahead and set the stage here a little bit, and make some introductions and make sure that we can help answer some questions and maximize this time together today.

So, really, our goal is we wanna make sure that we teach you a lot today, but the main thing we want you to be able to walk away with is some actionable insights. Whether you're here as a seller, as a leader, as someone from rev ops thinking, how can I maximize what's available for me today?

Our goal is to leave something that each of you can take away and get started with yet here today.

So there's many ways to leverage technology at your fingertips, and we wanna make sure you can optimize your process. What you're seeing here is some high level points that we'll walk everyone through. But we wanna make sure that at the end of the day, we understand that signal based selling is only helpful if we remember that we're humans helping other humans solve business problems.

So you are stuck with the two of us here today. Again, appreciate that if we've crossed paths before. My name's Tim. I have the pleasure of serving our most strategic accounts, after we establish the partnership and work on growth together as a business.

I am joined by the real star of the show today, Beth Hightower, and I'll I'll kick it over to you for a second here, Beth.

Yeah. Absolutely. So so so glad you all could join us today. I'm one of our senior sales directors on the commercial side. So I work with some of our, not necessarily smaller customers, but not on our enterprise side. So, maybe a smaller business is compared to, like, large enterprise.

Because I'm working consistently each day with all of my reps and my team on selling, a lot of new business, so to people like you. So thanks for buying.

Awesome. Yeah. Thanks thanks, Beth. And and that's why I mentioned I think you're gonna have a lot of nuggets here of how we Hopefully. Leverage signals, here at SalesLoft and with our with our customers.


So just a bit of housekeeping as we jump into content here today.

Within the webinar, there is a q and a option. So if you do have questions, throughout on any examples you hear, how we leverage signals, where can I get more content, feel free to drop those in the q and a?

We have a great team managing behind the scenes that will make sure we get resources out as well as carve out time at the end of today's webinar if we wanna get any questions answered live, in our remaining time. So, again, feel free to leverage that q and a box inside of the webinar.

Alright. Let's let's set the stage a little bit here, and I'm gonna let Beth handle some some real time numbers here of where we're at.

Yeah. Absolutely.

So something we've really been focused on, and I I'm assuming, but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna only assume, and you guys can correct me in the chat if I'm wrong, that some of you other revenue leaders are feeling this.

But eighty nine percent of revenue leaders believe we're in a prolonged period of volatility and uncertainty.

And that's not SalesLoft saying that. That's a Gartner, stat that we've used, but it's something that I think is very indicative of what we're thinking about as we're trying to grow as the market has shifted is that, hey. We went from this ridiculous market where everyone had these crazy valuations.

It was make spend money to make money, and now we're at a place where everything's a little bit more conservative. There's a lot more, people involved in your your sales cycles.

We've actually had a you know, fifty percent of companies that adjust their revenue growth downwards.

Sales leaders think that eighty three percent of their sellers struggle to adopt to the changing customer needs. There's a lot of adversity in the market right now. And so keeping that in mind, it's even more crucial to focus on signals and make sure that we're selling the way that people need us to buy. They need to buy from us in certain ways. And if you're spending a lot of time when people aren't really in the market or if people aren't are just kicking tires, it's it's something that's even probably worse for you because if you don't believe that your reps are equipped to handle this or your sales cycles are twice as long or you have double the amount of stakeholders in all of your deals, then we really need to adopt. And I think that's why we've really shifted to focusing on our signals for our lowest hanging fruit.

And I will say one other thing with that too is that when we when it comes to our signals, like, there's so many different realms of signals. And if we actually wanna flip to the next one, we can kinda talk it through.

But I when we speak about this, we'll talk a lot about buying signals.

But I do wanna articulate that there's a lot of other just signals. Like, when we say buying signals, we might mean it high intent signals if people are downloading on your website, that type of thing. It might be something as simple as, like, a behavioral signal.

But you could even have firmographic signals. Like, is this someone in your ICP? Is this someone who has adopted software before? They might use a competitor.

And then you guys as well individually will have your own signals that you created, and we'll talk through a little bit of some of the SalesLoft signals that we've used today, for some of our lowest hanging fruit in terms of our customer triggers or our product led signals and things like that.

But I'll kick it to Tim because I kinda might have stolen a little bit of a thunder with that.

We're all good. We're all good. We're a team here, and we wanted to we wanted to set that stage. I think that's a really good point, Beth, in the longer cycles, all of the input we have coming in. Some things we might think about today that, might might feel like, might noise. And then that's really why we're here to kind of work through how we can, cut through that and, leverage these to add some efficiencies to our day.

And again, think about how we we're gonna get into this the the weeds here a little bit, but how signals can help us all work smarter, not harder. And and I know that's can be cliche sometimes. So what does that mean?

We wanna leverage this information where we're seeing that buyer engagement to help us, hit that that low hanging fruit, prioritize my day.

Think about when I'm building my pipe or working through that, with a lens of quality.

So leveraging some of the examples, we've we've set for level setting in ad clicks, website visits, other inputs here. How can we use that to hone in on really who should we be working to develop those relationships with, and who's the right people at those business? So, we wanna think about that not only from a prospecting or or, again, like, low hanging fruit easy opportunity stance, but also how do we maintain that momentum with people who have engaged with us, but maybe it is a a longer buying cycle or because of our shift in the market that we're seeing. There's a lot of opportunities to make sure that we stay connected in a mindful way.

So even if down the road, something comes back up, we're that that first partner that someone is thinking of to circle back with.

Now big big topic, big thing we try to guide through and the whole purpose of this conversation is we have a ton of stuff coming our way. So how do we splice that information to see what's a true buying signal? What is demonstrating intent or engagement?

And what is simply noise or something that, I really should not dedicate much of my limited time to that might be coming up in my day to day.

Yeah. I I completely agree. And I think it's something that was as we're preparing for this, we talked about it more and more about, like, what are those true signals versus what is noise, but also, like, what is the perceived noise versus the necessary noise in sales roles? And I think a lot of that is very persona specific.

If you're an SDR or BDR and you're exclusively outbound, then you might be, you know, grasping at any sort of noise, whether that's, hey. They clicked on my email. I didn't reply, but they opened it or that kind of thing. Or if that someone's on the website, even if they're just looking at your comparisons on g two or whatever those other signals you might have, that could be something that's really helpful for someone who's just, you know, trying to get that first nibble, even maybe an enterprise seller or someone more strategic who doesn't have any pipeline yet.

But then as you move kind of downstream in the different realms of being a seller or even being a customer success manager, that type of thing, a lot of those things could get too noisy. It could be, very unnecessary, or it could be something that's not as helpful or indicative of what you might need. So you might end up spending time, you know, kind of book ending or, blocking time to look at your, your actual live feed and things like that. You might have some limitations that you put on it so that when you have that customer that's always the squeaky wheel, that doesn't actually give you as much of a jolt of excitement as it might have for your net new logo, seller who is just finally getting ahold of someone that they needed to get ahold of.

I know a couple of examples that we were talking through when we were talking about, like, perceived noise was even someone saying, like, hey. And I've in buying cycles, I've heard this a lot from, you know, people who use competitors or whatever that, like, oh, well, I got this click email, open all of these things right at once, and so I'm assuming that's a firewall. And it's like, things like that can get noisy if you don't have your settings right. Talk to your CSM. We can actually fix that one, if you have that on your SalesLoft instance.

But on the other side, if you have someone who's you're using maybe a Drift or something and they're going on the website, but you haven't heard from that individual. And now you have, like, an additional stakeholder in a deal that you've been working for a while, but maybe they've gone a little dark or you feel like you're below the power line, and you can see that that additional stakeholder might be that CRO or that that individual that you really need, but they're actually kinda looking through and watching your videos.

Those types of things can really be a helpful signal for you if you know where to look for them and then if you take action upon finding that out. Obviously, if it is Drift, you don't wanna just, like, hit them up with the chat out of nowhere and be creepy, but it might be something where you can then start looping that individual into your messages, when you're recapping emails and and meetings from the other stakeholders because you know that there's some sort of need for them as well, or you can even loop them in with your executives for an alignment piece.

And, Beth, one thing you had had talked about, we you had shared with me previously was when we're thinking about that noise and and maybe that necessary noise, some of that might be we're looking at, prospecting activities or trying to break into an account. So we might be we might be cadencing or reaching out to people cold, a fair bit of time. And and you shared the term that you've used with your team, that you mentioned as cadence bloat, and how signals can help maybe sort through some of that necessary activity to find the meaningful outputs. Could you share an example?

One hundred percent.

I know so we actually have, something we rolled out in the past year that's worked really well in our commercial org called spears, nets, and seeds. It's a go to market strategy that you may have heard of. It's not new by any means. I think there's different interpretations of it.

But we're very tactical, and we have our spears that we do every single day. And we're not SDRs. We're not making sixty calls a day. But we are focused on, you know, five to six new individuals, new new people that we're reaching out to within all of our customers or our prospect base rather, that we're hyper personalizing, and we're really hitting them up in the right way. And then from there, we also have our nets, which are gonna be the people who might be our third or fourth tier if you only have four tiers of accounts.

But that could be a fit if they wanted to, if the timing's right, if they're actually gonna go through that first kind of exploratory education type, opportunity with us. Because, sometimes when it's a non ICP, someone who's not necessarily your your dem your target market of people who are very familiar or already vended, you will have some automated ones. You'll have some automated emails that are going out on your behalf, where you don't have to take as much action. You probably still have some calls in there because you always want to.

But then you also have your seats, which is marketing, so that's kinda beyond us. That being said, if you're putting five or six really good emails in it, and calls in on day one every single day of the week, in addition to all of these others, nets that you're doing, it can get to a point where you have a lot of activity, but you you should be doing a lot of activity if you don't have the pipeline. That's, I mean, something any sales leader can tell you. The more you put at the top of funnel, the more you should have come out at the end, because you're gonna scrape through each of them.

But that being said, you can actually use what you find with some signals of people who might be in that bloated part of your cadence. Say, you know, you have a lot of calls on step seven or step fourteen, something later on in your cadence that, like, if you didn't get them in the first couple of calls, you might think there's no way I'm gonna get them. Or if they didn't read your hyper personalized email and it absolutely nails it for them, you might think there's there's no chance they're gonna convert down the road. But the reality is a lot of times I mean, I know with us, we actually use the data.

We know that people actually convert later. That sometimes that's the first time you reach someone is in the fifth, sixth, seventh call because they're in meetings all day long. But you also can have some of those those amazing signals where you can actually see, like, oh, that fourth email, which they didn't even know was the fourth email, is the one that they started engaging with. Maybe it was something that I said or did.

For us, you know, you might have changed what your your talk track was, what your your, what your tactic was in regards to why you'd be reaching out to them. You're not gonna just keep peppering them with the same exact message.

And so you might have that as an indicator that, like, hey. That person needs to be at the top of my list, and we will have rhythm, obviously, that he tells us, hey. This person is getting warmer and warmer. And then we're able to engage them and and, and kind of control where you're at regardless of that bloat, which is really nice because there can be so much of that noise, but you're also gonna be able to figure out who needs me when.

And even on the other side, we have people who we've closed lost. They've gone dark. They they've done whatever. And all of a sudden, you see them clicking on emails or messages from three months prior or a month prior or whatever that looks like, and you can give them a quick call.

And then they're like, yeah. Now we're ready to buy. We we had to do all of this in our process, and, you know, we weren't sure. So we just stopped responding because maybe they're below the power line, and they're just being told what their boss tells them to do.

So it's a really it's a really great way to make sure that, again, you're focused on what's important and you're meeting your buyers where they are, versus just bombarding them. Yeah.

I I love I love that approach that you've deployed, sharing that here, how others might be able to to leverage that.

And, again, like you said, meet people where they are while still hitting some of those KPIs or those expectations that are defined for for your team to really keep that that funnel process going.

And and something we wanna make sure that we, you know, continue on. We're thinking about strategy and how we're starting to capture these signals. But what are some other ways that we can, dive in a little bit more to drive some of that engagement? What are some things that we might be able to take away, today?

And, Beth, I know that that you've mentioned that in engaging people at the right time, and creating durable revenue. So what is what does that mean for us? How can we think about that when we're, part of the revenue team?

Yeah. Absolutely. So when we we think about creating durable revenue, we're thinking about creating something that's subs sustainable, but also something that is the right fit. And I think a lot of the time, when you hear of salespeople, it's like car salespeople.

Like, you get that that bad, icky kind of feeling. And I think utilizing signals, but also just you meeting people where they're at because you have these certain strategies in motion that are very indicative, whether it's using your existing tech stack and kind of incorporating them better all into one platform with SalesLoft or using just the SalesLoft pieces to meet them where they're at. You're able to then, instead of burdening them with everything, is sell to them in the way that makes the most sense for them. And I think so often, even in our in our sales cycles, when my reps are talking to their any bot any prospect, any customer, It's about figuring out what's the best for them in the long term, and I think that's something that we as a whole in the market need to be thinking more and more about.

It's not about just square peg and roundholing it to make sure you're maxing your comp plan or anything like that. It's more like what's gonna be the best fit for the customer based upon what they have and what they need for now, but also in a year from now and two years from now. And what can they grow into, and how do we help them crawl to walk to run?

And I think we can give you some, examples in the next slide with some of our specific in, in app strategies that you can use with some of our plays with rhythm that could be new for some of you guys, or it could be old hat if you joined a couple of our, sales left on sales left where we went over kind of that Conductor AI, that patent pending, fantastic piece of technology that we've been rolling out in regards to using signals internally, within this platform to give you more of the, perspective in regards to who needs you to reach out and when.

I think a good example that we actually have as a play that's out of the box is really a, email or a well, it's actually an email step for whenever you have a meeting. So if you have a meeting and it'll tell you whether it's the day before or the day of, you can set it up in your admins, in your admin licenses on how you do that, but it's it's a reminder for whenever you have a meeting. And I think it's something that, kinda cracks me up because we all know as sellers, especially if we're outbounding to new logos, that, like, the likelihood that people might miss this call is is quite high.

But sometimes we kinda lose sight of the basics, and an email with what we're gonna talk about and why it's important for you to join the call can be very helpful to make sure they show up. But I would even take it a step further. One of my top performing reps who's been with SalesLoft for over seven years, he's fantastic, he sends a Vidyard prior to every single email. And if you haven't used a Vidyard, there's a freemium version involved with SalesLoft that you can just download for free.

Obviously, there's a paid version that has some more robust pieces to it, but the reality is this Vidyard is always his agenda. He always says, hey. Today, we're gonna cover x, y, and z. Super excited to chat with you.

He's very personable. But it's one of those things that his show rates on first calls is phenomenal. But, also, throughout his process, this email, whether someone's attending the meeting or not, if he's sending it to all the stakeholders even if some of them aren't on the email list, they know exactly what we're gonna be covering and whether or not, hey. This technical call might not be worth the time of one of your ICs.

But he's gonna make sure that they all have the information, with this video. And I think it's it's part of our process, and and it was something that, like, a lot of my reps who were struggling with show rates, and I think with SDRs, that happens quite a lot too. They started adopting this, and it's made it's made quite the shift. I wish I had the I wish I had the exact numbers, but his show rate is insane. So I think it's something worth calling out that is a play that's already able to be built in there.

Yeah. That's that's one of my favorite examples that takes something relatively simple in, hey. I've set the meeting. I know it's coming up.

I wanna make sure we get we get that right audience there, but also adding that level of of personalization of the the touch to it ahead of time to not only define the agenda, but make a little introduction to me. Because again, you know, back to the the point earlier, we're leveraging technology, but we're still people. Just having that conversation, seeing if we can align on a business need. And and I really, really love that favorite one.

Another one that that I see come through a lot, is working with customers that have sorry, team. That have, high volume channels, where they're leveraging they're getting a lot of contracts out there.

And it's quick turnaround. It's quick cycle. It might be product specific, but we're leveraging DocuSign or any kind of contract management tool. And it can be really easy when that is my day to day, that I have a lot of churn, a lot of activity going that I simply might just miss that.

I threw a DocuSign out there. I had someone on the phone. They're like, send it over. I'll have it signed by end of the week.

End of week has come and gone.

And now I have someone on my side knocking on my door asking, you know, what's the status there? I thought this was predicted to close. And so that's another, example that that might again seem like, kind of table stakes sometimes, but this is cutting through that noise. Say, I have something tangible to acquire an a new customer or, an upgrade with an existing customer that is not only benefiting them, helping me to continue serving that that account. But, you know, that's also important for me as a seller to, establish that, to, you know, keep true to my word that I'm moving these deals through. And it's a it's a simple way to cut through and make sure that I have that, top of mind here and visible. When I'm not when I'm seeing someone engaging that contract but hasn't hasn't quite, used their slid their finger across the digital sign of screen and, sent it off our way.

And another one I know that that, Beth, you have seen, come through is when we have a conversation, when we have a a virtual call or meeting and we're seeing that recorded Mhmm.

Leveraging some of those those AI tasks that get kicked to us after the call.

One hundred percent. It's it's something that I think is a no brainer. It's really great because you'll have that conversation intelligence on that call with you. So, you know, you kind of have those built in notes, but the AI actually can make it so that you use the play. It automatically generates your email your email follow-up to them. So I know for us, most times, we're gonna send them a recording, our our prospect or our customer recording of the call so they have that in their purview, but it'll also generate exactly what we said are the next steps and the the action items from the call.

Obviously, then you can manually change whatever you need to if it's repetitive or if it caught something that in your mind was like, oh, I said that I need to take my dog for a walk because I was making I was making candor or whatever.

You can cut off those things as well, but it's a really great way to make sure that you're just kind of, again, following your process with some of the basics.

I think there's a quite a few of things that when it comes to these strategies, you might think, oh, well, that's a no brainer. But when you lose sight of those, that's when it's not a great buying experience for the people you're selling to and your customers.

And even, you know, with your customers, if you're a CSM, if you're an account manager, that's even more so the case if you're like, hey. Maybe I mainly am focused on upgrades and things like that. But if you lose sight of just the simple follow-up questions they have, if they had a problem or if there's something more technical you can't answer, then you kinda lose your credibility. So having a lot of that built out for you as part of this play, really just makes your life a lot easier.

And so it's something that I think across the board we can use, but we also have a lot of plays that you can that use out beyond this in regards to, like, if you have seismic content or high spot content and people are taking action on that. You can actually have a play generated, again, using Conductor AI, which is fantastic to have you follow-up in a certain window of time, because, again, you never know when there's might be something you sent out months ago, and now they're trying to download it. Maybe it's a longer sales cycle. Maybe you're it's a hyper competitive, multi month strategic type of deal, but you haven't heard from anyone because your your POC changed.

But all of a sudden, something's getting downloaded. Having those things put in motion for you and having that framework built out for you makes your life that much easier, to really understand.

But that being said, I know that Tim kinda had another one that he really liked in regards to some of the the automations that we can do. That's not it's not just part of rhythm. So I'd love to hear a little bit more about that, Tim.

Yeah. Yeah. Definitely.

This one is, not always the the most exciting, but it can keep things coming in. And that's when we're thinking about those those opportunities that we've, you know, put the close the door on. So these are closed lost, you know, not something that we found engagement or alignment or or just couldn't, get in front of someone.

And and that's where we see sort of that, that ancillary funnel getting full, from our closed not closed lost opportunities that we might be nurturing still.

So, again, this might be due to market conditions. This might be due to change or acquisition, something where we found alignment on, but just just couldn't get that momentum going.

Another great way that I I see a number of our customers, continue to stay in front of those people. Really low touch, nurturing though those individuals at those accounts for a longer period of time.

And a lot of these can be somewhat of a a set it and forget it taking very little time in my day to have a touch base email, make a call. Maybe I have a little video that I'm trying to get some traction and and see if we can, nurture that conversation.

And and again, when I say set it and forget it, we might be automating some of our process, but then that's where we circle back to our topic of signals and seeing that someone may be engaged, that we almost forgot about, in our in our process or in our list of opportunities we were about to clean up there, and then someone came back around.

So there's a lot of ways to, keep those people aligned as well with some automation. And and that's something that we call out here for those in the audience that, as a seller, you might say, hey. That's something that would help me, and bring internally. Like, we can get that set up for you. Or if someone is here supporting your team in rev ops, something to think about that could be deployed for a scalable approach for managing those opportunities.

One hundred percent. And I I think the other thing that I find, has really helpful to understand with those, whether it's a play or an automation, is that it's not, hey. Okay. Well, now that we have this automation because it's been closed lost and it's been three months since then that we're gonna put them in this, you know, cadence that's a nurture cadence.

It doesn't mean that that's where they live for the rest of time. It's means that we're setting them up so that when all of a sudden we're seeing engagement, then our, you know, our our conductor AI is telling us, hey. This person's ready to be moved back to the back to the regular cadence, right, or back to your your spear cadence, because maybe they signed a contract with a point solution that they, have on a month to month basis, or maybe they stuck with what they had vendor wise, or maybe they have to continue to build up, the business case internally.

And so then it can just really just give you a perspective of, okay. This person's we're top of mind again, and we're top of mind because we made sure that we'd be top of mind by having them in something nurturing. That's not just our marketing collateral. It's not just, our our typical, you know, Marketo or Pardot emails.

It's something coming directly from me that might have, you know, something more role based and maybe more persona based that you could even put them in as in terms of cadences that are nurturing. Or I know personally, I used to have almost a a placeholder holding tank, for nurturing that I would have certain dates where I wanted to follow-up with all of my stakeholders that were really important that were closed, not yet one. But I wouldn't necessarily have a automation behind it. I would just follow-up within, you know, first thirty days and then sixty days, and each time I would find a value add to share that is relative and relational to what that person does or what they're focused on.

Sometimes it'd be sales ops specific. Sometimes it wouldn't be at all. It'd be more market related. But it was just making sure that you stay top of mind. And then when they start engaging again, it's like, okay. Now I can do even more hyper personal.

I love that. Still owning the the funnel there and the the follow-up, but keeping yourself organized in the midst of all of it.

One hundred percent. And one thing I didn't call out that I think is helpful in especially if you're looking at this screen, right, is that when we when we talk about some of these plays, with our partners, obviously, we have an open API. So we have you have the ability to create custom plays and things like that, especially rev ops people. You might have more questions for your CSMs, on that. But when we talk about some of the out of the box ones we have with that Vidyard one, I mentioned Vidyard earlier. Obviously, if you're sending a Vidyard in regards to, a meeting you're about to have, then you're aware if they engage or not, and it's really helpful. I will say it's funny because I think people reply to that to reschedule more than they would if they just they would just no show instead.

But on the other end, say someone asked you to send a follow-up, via Vidyard, maybe doing a demo of something or just getting something from your sales engineer or your technical resource, something like that. You could also have that Vidyard, notification in that play built out where, like, maybe they viewed part of it, and then that, again, jumps to the top of your queue of, like, following up and being timely. And then they're just like, hey. You're right. I I was just watching that.

And so I think it's it's really cool. Like, there's not a lot of limitations on on what you have. There is some out of the box stuff, but we also, you know, have a lot of options for you to build out. And, obviously, our product team is working on more and more every single every single day with all of our partners.

But I think when we're thinking about signals as a whole, for us in our space, it can be a saturated, word signals. There's just so many out there, which is why we say, hey. There's noise.

But it's really about, like, carving out what makes the most sense for you and your buyers or your customers, and making sure that you're engaging and focusing on what is going to be the thing that converts for you, which is why the data behind all of it is really helpful too. When you understand, okay. If I have a signal that puts it into this cadence, or a play that pushes it into this cadence, what's the conversion on that cadence?

Something else to think about.

Yeah. You you hit a good point for those here who might be supporting sellers, sales leaders on, the signals and noise topic might look different for you with all the data that's coming in. So that's lets you deploy a process, measure that and scale what's working and pair pair back what what may not be as successful because everything we're talking about here is is data backed as well.

And so you might be thinking, we have just scratched the surface of a handful of signals that we have either used here or found success with our customers, to get started, to grow revenue, to help you all as a seller. And this might seem like we're we're just kind of getting going here. So we do wanna make sure as part of your time here today, you'll receive additional resources to, digest. Think about some examples that may have been shared today as well as I might have some questions for, for my CSM, or I wanna dig into some things myself and bring that back to my team to see how we can really level up and maximize the the signals that we have at our fingertips.

So you will be receiving a a handful of resources, walking through rhythm, how I can create some of the examples that Beth and I shared to you today, how I can actually do that for my business, or raise those topics up to those who can help me partner with that, for a custom buying experience.

And, the best thing here is you don't have to, rely on all these resources or these talking heads that you're seeing here today. Feel free to engage and interact with others out in the community. You'll also see a reminder there that we have, Champions Hub where you can, say, maybe I heard an example here. I'm deploying a certain strategy. Curious how others have leveraged that for a particular channel or space, that you might be in to really, bounce ideas off your peers and others who are finding success or learning along the way.

Yeah. One other thing I would love to call it too, because, obviously, you guys are here. You carve the time out to be here. So another thing and maybe you're all people that already jump on our office hours.

But a lot of times, office hours are something that, can be really helpful when you can meet up with your your prospective consultants as well as CSMs and get live help, with anything that you have question wise. So it's really great because it's almost like you're going up to the deli counter and taking a ticket. You're able to get that answered. And if you can't answer those questions live, then we'll have, you know, someone assigned to it, meet the subject matter expert assigned to it. But, if you are on this because you like the live interaction, then office hours, which are twice daily, could be helpful for you as well.

Yes. Loud and loud and proud on that one.

I love the office hours. Join those. Yeah.

I was gonna say, our customers, especially on the commercial side, like, they live and breathe on them because I think it's just such a helpful way to get quick help if you if you prefer that.

I mean, obviously, you can send emails. You can make phone calls. You can do all of those things with your your account executives, your CAEs, your, CSMs, but it is also just really nice to have a quick hop in, hop out.

And, Dennis, I love your question.

I I'm sure, yeah, we'll have to follow-up with you with more details, but I know my team has been using trumpet for something similarly with some digital sales rooms, and it is such a great signal.

So whether you have it incorporated or not, which I do think that there's probably a world to do that, it is so helpful because the more they're engaged on that I'm I'm assuming LinkedIn SmartLinks has a deal room where you can actually have them ask questions and answer live on the room and that kind of thing.

It's really it really helps you understand if they're real or they're just kicking the tires. Or if they are kicking the tires and, you know, you let it leave it aside, but all of a sudden they come back around, then you know before they're even engaging with you. So I I love that question.

Yeah. This is fantastic and and actually very timely. If there's any other questions here, and we did wanna carve out a bit of time, as Beth has already jumped in and answered some of these questions. But if there's anything else that people would like to to drop in here, we did make sure there was some time to answer those live here on the call. So I wanna open that up. If you haven't already and something's been on your plate or you heard something earlier that you'd love to get more resources on, feel free to to drop that question in the q and a chat and happy to to jump into that.

We have one that around recording. Will there be a recording of this webinar sent out? Absolutely. If you're signed up, you will receive that recording, today as well as some of the additional resources that we've shared to leverage on your own time. Yep.

Perfect. I think I talked faster than we thought. I mean, that makes sense. I'm in sales.

You've got more time because you you leverage the signals to to the noise.

So One hundred percent.

We did it.


Well, I I think, for anyone who's joined here, it looks like the the questions have mostly been addressed. But, again, feel free to follow-up. You'll get a plethora of resources coming through for signing up and joining. So, we really do appreciate the time that you have all carved out and hope everyone regardless of role here, has something that they can take away, leverage today, or bring back to your team. And, again, just a a plug that we have, office hours, resources, partnerships here if there's something you want to, workshop or clarify as you continue, leveraging what's available for you.

Yeah. Absolutely. And I did see, Dennis, your question just come in. I can tell you so for us, internally, obviously, we use some of the plays I referenced.

We use a play for a pre meeting, email. We use the play For a post meeting, recap email, we do use the plays when it comes to our DocuSign piece as well. So some of those partner plays, we do the seismic ones as well. But there's also some other plays that, we kind of work with others with.

We have something called user gems. There's other there's others out in the space, but it's a really good low hanging fruit of someone who has purchased or used your platform somewhere else. And if they go to another organization, you have some notifications of that that's kind of been scraped across from user gems.

We actually have automations behind that. So my reps will log on, and they'll see that this the CRO from one company is now the CRO at another company. And they'll be able to reach out and say, hey. Like, obviously, you guys used us at x y z. Are you interested in using us here, or maybe we can have a right conversation type of thing?

We also use our g two crowd, which, again, I think that might be a little bit more, SaaS specific. So if you're not in that space, but we do use the buyer intent from there. If people are looking at us, our pages, our competitors' pages, we use some of those plays where there's a little bit of automation telling us, hey. Let's reach out.

But those are some of the biggest ones. And then as as Tim mentioned earlier, our previously closed lost or our closed not yet won, especially in our education type of opportunities, which, I can't remember the stat because it's probably been years since I've heard the most updated one. But majority of our business in the commercial space are from previously closed lost ops.

As we you know, our sales engagement has become more and more of a table stakes thing. It's been a lot easier to, to sell because, obviously, you either are vended or not.

But for years, it's something that we had to really, educate people on. And so being able to come back around when people are ready and their budgets are ready, that's a big automation that we've used and and being cognizant of, hey. Are they signing a a contract for a year? Are they signing a three month contract? If they're a month to month type of business, those are some of the the best practices that I think are our lowest hanging fruit internally.

But I'm sure that you guys have specific things that you know have worked for you, and you can even look at your cadences or use tags in your cadences, to see more specifically, okay, if if we're getting traction with this field or we're getting traction with, this type of vendor, and, again, I'm speaking mostly new logo, then maybe you should build plays around those as well for you.

I'll I love that. And you spurred one more I'll share for anyone who's hanging on. If there's something when we're thinking creatively, that's where I've seen a number of other customers say, it would be really nice if I could leverage, say usage data of one of my products, if that's applies to you, and queue that up to my my account team, my sales team to say, here's, high users of some of of our products, that we are currently partnered with here today.

Let's see how we might be able to grow with them. And conversely, what kind of of signal would we love to see for those who maybe, purchased or did a demo with us, and are not necessarily fully engaged, but but we see there is still an opportunity to add value for them.

So, kind of thinking, beyond just some of the what what we might say is sort of table stake best practices are, like, what if we could do x y z? We're starting to see a number of of customers really get creative in that, and it helps it helps sellers, many of you here, really, leverage that existing information as opposed to trying to dig that up, see if it's current, go through all that manual lift, just to get that in your fingertips. So anything that your team might have available today may be able to, develop into a play that just queues that up for you.

One hundred percent. I love that. Perfect.

Gonna sit in silence for just a moment in case there's any any other questions from those still on the line here. Happy to grab those.

Yeah. And if you're on the line and you have no questions, but you just wanna look at a cute puppy, I've had this on my lap the entire time.

So That's fantastic.

And getting some sales love for the the closer there.

She's the best. Her name is Tootsie Roll.

She's only two months old, and she's been actually really good. I don't know. Maybe I look down more than I think.

But Well, good.

We'll we'll leave everyone with with that. Go grab some candy. Think about some plays.

Tootsie Roll made me think of it. Again, thanks everyone here for joining. Feel free to reach out if if you need anything along the way, but we appreciate your time.

Absolutely. Thanks, Guy. And thanks, Tim and Mimi, in the background. It's been a pleasure.

Take care, everyone.

In this engaging webinar, we will be diving into the challenging world of GTM selling, where Revenue teams are constantly looking for ways to boost their efficiency and their results.  Join us as we discuss how signal-based selling offers a clear path to achieving their goals, through concrete use cases and actionable tactics.  We're here to help teams navigate the complexities of modern selling with confidence.

After attending this webinar, you should be able to:

  • Differentiate between a true signal vs. noise
  • Strategically engage buyers and customers at the right time
  • Integrate proven tactics within your workflow to follow up on product-led signals
  • Optimize key performance metrics to improve processes at scale

This webinar is best suited for: Rev Ops, Sales Leaders, Sales Reps

Presented by:

Tim Janssen Headshot Image

Tim Janssen

Client Director, Salesloft

Beth Hightower Headshot Image

Beth Hightower

Senior Director, Sales - Commercial, Salesloft