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Fast Start for Managing Pipeline with Cadences


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Hello, everyone.

Let's go ahead and get started. Thank you all so much for joining today's fast start for managing pipeline with cadences.

My name is Mimi Noto. I am the product education specialist here at SalesLoft, and I'm a part of our customer education team. So we're the team that puts on, all of our fast start offerings. And in this particular one, we are gonna focus on the basics of use sales off to manage your pipeline and never lose track of a prospect.

Now, since we offer a couple of different starts and you may not have been sure which one was right for you. We believe that this fast start is best suited for users who are primarily working leads and people within SalesLoft and primarily prospecting within their day to day. So you might be a BDR or an SDR. You also might be a full cycle account executive or a customer success.

Really the list goes on for the people who will find, you know, will benefit from the content that we are covering in today's webinar. So the topics that we are gonna be covering today, we actually, in lieu of an agenda, we like to present, through learning objectives. It's important that you understand what you're gonna be learning, but also what you should be able to do after you leave this webinar today.

So after the session, you should be able to create a daily strategy so that you maximize your productivity.

By auditing your bandwidth and something called your focus zones.

You'll also be able to import and manage your people from the people page so that no one falls through the cracks. And then finally, you be able to complete your daily tasks from your focus zones.

Now, before we get into the platform, I would make sure that we are all speaking the same language. Okay? So we're gonna kick this off with a little bit of a vocabulary lesson.

And we're gonna get started by really defining what rhythm is.

And this is important because rhythm is pretty the main hub of SalesLoft.

It is where you are going to be managing the majority of your day to day. Now it's important for you to understand what rhythm is and how it functions so that you can make the most of it.

Now the way that we describe what rhythm is is it is a signal to action workflow.

And its sole purpose is to orchestrate your most effective of day. That just means that it is going to prioritize what action you should do next based on signals from all across SalesLoft.

And then the workflow gives you the context and the ability to take action directly in that workflow.

Now, rhythm is powered by a machine learning model that's working behind the scenes, and we call it conductor So conductor AI is really what is prioritizing your actions, and it's basing its prioritization on the likelihood to convert for your specific revenue goals. Now it's constantly evolving to identify which actions are leading to your revenue outcomes.

And it's going to continuously update throughout your day as well as improve over time.

Now, the engagement that comes in through your integrated systems, so the signals coming in from your email Your calendar and any other third party tools that you have connected to SalesLoft.

That engagement will also be prioritized in your workflow.

Bringing these signals into rhythm is really what helps solve for the fragmented experience that many sellers face today.

Now rhythm may sound pretty fancy to you, and I don't wanna undersell it because to be honest, if really is. It's a sophisticated system, but it was really designed for it to be easy to use. Because it's important that you as a seller have, you know, a system that makes your life a little bit easier so you can be more effective and efficient than ever. Now we rolled out rhythm last summer.

Okay. So summer of twenty twenty three. And, you know, we built it with the intention of making you all more effective and efficient. Right?

And so since then we've been really honing in on our metrics and the data that we're seeing to make sure that it is doing what we intended.

And so I wanna share some of those stats with you because, a, I think, is really cool to hear. And, b, I wanna get you that much more excited to be using soft. Alright. So sellers who have been using Rhythm have on average. They're seeing a fifty seven percent lift in productivity.

They have twenty three percent more meetings scheduled for the same amount of activity.

And they are seeing a thirty nine percent decrease in activities needed to schedule a prospect meeting. Now I mentioned this earlier, but I wanna now talk about what your focus zones are. Alright? So your focus zones live on your home dashboard.

And within them, you are going to see different workflows of all the possible actions you could take in a day. And there's three focus zones to basically separate each type of action or where you are needing to focus your attention throughout your day. First up, you're gonna see your rhythm focus zone. This is gonna list all of the actions that have been deemed the highest priority from conductor AI.

This is going to include your, highest priority cadence steps, actions generated from plays, well as the one off actions that you have set up for yourself.

Next up, you are gonna see your cadence this is going to list all of your active cadence steps. So you can really knock out all of those prospecting activities in one place.

And then the third and final focus zone that you're gonna see is called close. This is going to list all of the actions associated with your open opportunities, and it's gonna be your highest priority actions.

The intention of the focus zones are to allow you to reduce something called context switching. So that you can zero in on what is most important to you the moment.

Next up, we have our cadences.

And especially in your role, you may, be using cadences quite often. So, it's important that you understand what exactly that is.

A cadence is a preconfigured series of touch points.

They can be set over a certain period of time. Now, they allow for more targeted, efficient, and personalized engagement with your potential buyers. I want you to think of a cadence like a sales playbook or maybe even like a blueprint of your process.

And the cadence itself can be used to serve as the main engine behind your day to day responsibilities.

And even better, they're gonna help you stay more organized and informed in the process.

There are many different ways that you can leverage cadence And most folks, to be honest, consider them to be a pipeline generation tool.

But cadences can actually be used for nurturing, maybe cold leads, sending out event invitations, meeting confirmations, meeting follow ups, you name it.

You know, cadences really support a lot of different types of processes and even workflows.

I think it's safe to assume that we have a wide swath of different ten years on this call. Right? Probably have some folks who are brand new to their roles or maybe even SalesLoft, or maybe you've been doing job for years. So I am not here to completely reinvent the wheel when it comes to your process.

You likely have a process that works for you or your company maybe has business specific processes that you need to adhere to.

But what I am here to do is to teach you some key components of a workflow that I hope you can incorporate into your existing processes to make your them that much more productive and effective.

Throughout the next, you know, forty minutes or so, I'm gonna be sharing tidbits on how our own lofter's leverage our platform as well as some broader industry best practices.

We are going to organize our conversation around these key learning objectives that we talked about a few minutes ago. Alright? And this is essentially going to be the flow of our conversation today.

Now I encourage you to follow along the best that you can. We tech we like to recognize this theory called the cone of experience.

This theory basically suggests that you only retain like fifty percent of what you see in here, but ninety percent of what you do or simulate.

So you're welcome to follow along as we go through the training today, or you can watch us back at a later time and, you know, move along with steps with me. It's important to start your day by getting a lay of the land. Right? We wanna understand how much bandwidth we have, where we should be spending our time today, you know, getting the answers to those types of questions are going to influence how you manage your people that day. Our sellers here at SalesLoft like to time block their days where possible so that they are not contact switching and therefore losing productivity.

Right. So second time we've heard this context switching term. And so, according to another theory, each extra task or context that you switch between can eat up to eighty percent of your overall productivity.

Whereas if you allow yourself to focus on one task at a time, you're using a hundred percent of your productive time available.

So using strategies like time block ing or leveraging your focus zones, they allow you to reduce that context switching. So you can again zero in on what is most important at the moment.

This is just an example of, like a time block or how you could segment your day sometimes, but if you are in a role where filling your pipeline is central to your day to day. Typically, in a prospecting role, a SDR or a BDR.

We recommend that you have a block each day for scrubbing new people before we to work them.

So scrubbing could mean different things to different people, but it typically will include confirming accurate contact information as well as like generating a hypothesis or even researching the needs of each person.

To better understand your bandwidth and identify how best to organize your day, we encourage you to always start with your home dashboard and sales law.

At this point, we are kicking off with our very first learning objective where, we are gonna help you better understand how to create a daily strategy so that you can maximize your productivity. Now when you first log in to SalesLoft, you are going to land on your home dashboard.

Now if you have never logged in to SalesLoft before, you will likely see a checklist of items to complete. And this is completely normal. But, you are not gonna be able to see your home dashboard until that checklist of items is complete. But the good thing is is that those items each are really important to leveraging SalesLoft in its entirety.

It'll help you connect your email, set up your calendar connection, things like that so that you are ready to go day one and can really start moving and grooving in SalesLoft. Okay? Now once that checklist of items is complete, you're gonna see your dashboard, which is your go to hub to managing your day.

I recommend stopping here first to see what all is on your plate for the day. Now keep in mind right now this page is likely like pretty blank for you, especially if you're truly brand to SalesLoft.

This page will begin populating with tasks as you begin adding people to cadences.

Or you begin associating stakeholders with your open opportunities.

Now, there's a lot going on. So you're probably wondering where exactly should you start?

Now, we actually encourage prospecting sellers to begin each day in the cadence's focus zone.

This is where you can focus on working through all of the do steps on your active cadences to knock out your high volume prospecting activities.

This will then free up your time later in the day so you can focus on more complex asks.

This is also where you can pretty much gather, most of what your bandwidth looks like for the day. Something that our sellers here at SalesLoft utilize, is this concept called a holding tank. The intention of a holding tank is to essentially research folks and then add them to a specific holding tank, which will likely be like the step of an outbound cadence.

And you'll add them to the cadence based on what you've learned from them through research and the goals that you have for that person in each cadence. Okay.

Now leveraging something like a research which, really functions as a holding tank.

It really just means that there are always people ready to go to be added to your working pipeline by moving them out of that first step of the holding tank and into the second step in order to take action. You can add folks to the holding tank whenever you have time or as your pipeline isn't as full so that people are always ready for you that fit the purpose of each of your cadences.

You wanna make sure that you are moving people out of your holding tank.

It might look somewhere between like eight to ten people per day. And then you go forward and scrub for the next day to replenish that holding tank. The holding tank concept mostly benefits our high volume prospecting users so that they can more readily stay on top of their pipeline. But really, like, every user depending on your process, should be looking at all of your prospecting activities that you're responsible for on this day. Which you could really get a good idea from, at the top where you see, like, a con a collection of all of your total for all of your cadences.

Now everyone can stop on any one of these focus zone tabs to take a look at what is on the docket for the day. Or even you can look at upcoming days, by looking or filtering, in each focus zone. So that you can be prepared for upcoming days to get a handle on what your bandwidth looks like before deciding how to manage your time. Now once you've kind of peeked through all of the focus zones and you have a better understanding of your daily bandwidth we highly recommend then going through and time blocking your calendar to align what you wanna work on when you can so that you can remain as focused as possible. This will help make sure that you are also considering what meetings you have already scheduled on your calendar and when you're actually free.

So whenever it is time to scrub net new people to add your pipeline, you are going to import them into SalesLoft before you do anything else. So at this point, we are moving on to the second part of our or the second learning objective that we have for today, which is under standing how to import and manage your people so that no one falls through the cracks.

Now since you are all likely brand new to SalesLoft, You probably need to import people immediately, but we should also incorporate it into our routine to be scrubbing and manage our people on a daily basis.

So to view my people and manage them, we're gonna visit the people page.

Now imported records will live on the people page regardless of whether we've added them to a cadence or not. The default filter will be applied to this page will show people that you own. Alright. So this means that you are the SalesLoft owner. For each person.

Salesloft ownership is defined by the person who imported them, or if the person was assigned ownership after the import.

Basically, the salesloft owner is the person who is responsible for making sure that these people are being worked appropriately and that tasks or actions are being completed for them. From this page, not only can we manage the people that we already own, but we can actually import net new people here as well.

A record must exist in sales law in order for you to take action upon them. In the upper right corner, we can choose from up to three ways to bring someone new into the platform.

Depending on how your team's your team has configured salesloft, you might not see all of these options. Okay. The first option is to create a person. This allows you to manually create a person one off in the platform.

A common use case that I've seen is, let's say I book a meeting with a prospect and they invite a colleague or their their leader.

If I didn't have that person that they invited in SalesLoft already, I would wanna make sure I am adding that person into either my CRM or into SalesLoft directly.

My next option to import from a CSV file.

This option will allow you, or will allow people who do not have a CRM that in rates with SalesLoft to mass import new people for them to work.

This option should only be utilized if you do not have an integrated CRM or if your business case calls for And then this third option is, it's a little bit of a trick because this is not actually how I would import from the CRM It's actually a link to a help article.

But we'll just go with it. We'll let it represent that third option.

And so Importing from your CRM is actually the most fail safe way for you to import people into SalesSoft.

We always recommend creating people within your CRM first before bringing them into sales loft.

This ensures that there will be a connection between the record in your CRM and the record in sales so that all of your completed actions are logged back successfully.

Alright. So all that to say is if your CRM integrates with SalesLoft, you should always import them to your CRM and then import them into SalesLoft. Okay. And we have tons of articles and videos to help you understand how to, how to do that. But the most important thing for you to know is you need to understand, does my CRM or does our CRM integrate with with my SalesLoft account?

If no, then we'll need to manually import people directly to SalesLoft. If the answer is yes, then I wanna make sure that I am following best practice and importing them from my CRM to SalesLoft. Okay? Now this people page is really impactful when utilized or even used, like, correctly. I can see by default, like, all of the people that I own. And I can see that I own four hundred and thirty five people within my SalesLoft instance. Well, to some people that might not seem like a lot or to other people that might feel extremely overwhelming.

What we do know is that each of these people's individual needs and my goal for them are likely all different.

So I wanna make sure that I know how to narrow this list down so can target people more specifically.

And I can do that by applying filters.

Alright. So each person I can see by default their person, name and their account name. And then to my right, I have other, you know, important details for myself, like what their title has been identified as, you know, how we have engaged with them in the past, and so on. And I can see more details when I click into, either their person or account profiles.

And so it's important I understand how to leverage these filters or what's available to me. And your filtering needs will likely vary based on what your use case is. And the cool thing is is that we support the ability for you to filter by custom fields in SalesLoft.

So at the top, I'm gonna see standard fields. These are just like the most common fields that, all of our users will likely leverage within SalesLoft.

And they're either specific to SalesLoft only or they are potentially mapped to your fields within your CRM.

And then below, you're gonna see all of the custom fields that your SalesLoft admin has brought into SalesLoft from your CRM.

Or created in SalesLoft. Okay? Why this is important to know is because We want to help reduce the back and forth between your CRM and SalesLoft.

And so it was important that whatever fields are important to you in your CRM, you had them available in SalesLoft to work with or filter by. Okay? So if you are, you know, targeting your accounts based on fields or maybe company size or whatever it might be, you have the ability to do so in SalesLoft to either narrow down the scope to those people only, find specific people based on the values and whatnot.

And so you can either scroll or even search for a specific field to apply as a filter.

Now, since everyone's needs are are use cases are likely pretty different. We're gonna go with something that, can apply to everyone, as a user. And so right now I'm really interested in seeing of all these people who is not on a cadence right now.

I wanna see who's not on a cadence, which I can also kinda see represented over it by this cadence's column.

And so cadence is a standard field. I can search for people in a specific cadence or I could choose to see who's not on one right now. We commonly recommend making sure that everyone is in is in a cadence at all times for various purposes, meaning that we're start by adding them to a prospecting cadence. And then if we don't engage with them, maybe try another, maybe we then decide to nurture them and so on.

But if you have worked them through multiple cadences, and you haven't had any real engagement with them.

Whatever that means to you. You along with your team should determine when it's time to, like, kinda call it quits with someone for the time being. Now while this happens sometimes, it is your responsibility to ensure that your people don't fall through the cracks. So if someone is not on a cadence, it's important that you have a reason why they're not. So I currently have three hundred and seventy seven people not on a cadence right now. It's a lot of people that I probably don't have a good reason for.

And so, the important thing to note is that just because they're not on a cadence right now doesn't mean that they've never been on one. And so this number is still pretty high, I wanna narrow this down a little bit further.

And so I also wanna see who is all in the status of new.

So status is another like pretty important field in SalesLoft.

The value some might be a little bit different in your account, but the new status will mean the same thing for everyone, which is that these people, if they are new, it means that they don't we don't have any activity logged on their record.

So we haven't spoken to them at all through SalesLoft. And so I wanna see who is all in the status of new and not currently on a cadence.

I don't technically need both, but it doesn't make a difference if I do or not.

And so I actually have two hundred and sixty people who, have no activity logged for their record. And so, this is not a great thing because, of the way that I wanna treat SalesLoft in my tech stack. Okay? So I have my CRM, which, we can see as being your system of record or your source of truth. Right?

Whereas, SalesLoft is, you know, it's very complimentary to your CRM but SalesLoft is your system of execution.

We should not be bringing people into sales loft until we're ready to engage with them. Meaning, we know enough about them. We have a cadence set up that that will help us engage with them.

Whatever it might be, we know that this person is either open to buying or they are, we're, you know, trying to see if they are open to it. Okay? We wanna make sure that if people are on cadences or there's no action that they're still new and that I'm not just adding people and not working them and they're just hanging out.

Because I already have a Sierra. I don't need to add people here to just hang out. Okay.

So, I've narrowed this list down just a little bit further. So right now I have two hundred sixty one people.

But let's say that's a pretty reasonable number.

And I know that I wanna take action on these people. So, you know, I've identified who these people are and how many there but I wanna really take this to the next level. So I'll need to select at least one person to generate this menu of action items. Okay?

I can select multiple people or select all. But essentially whoever's to whoever's highlight or selected, I can take action on. I can add them to a cadence, either a team cadence that has been built or a personal cadence that I've built for myself. I can also send each person a one off email. I can edit these folks apply a tag to them, or I have additional options too.

But once I take an action on someone, they will no longer be in status of new. And if I was to add them to a cadence, they of course would not meet this filter anymore.

And, I would would begin to kind of chip away at this list.

Now once I have completed one of those I might decide that this filter or, you know, whatever filter I have applied is something that I can see myself create all the time. Now instead of repeating each filter step each time, I can actually save this filter and create a list to revisit whenever I venture back to my people page.

All I need to do is click save as.

I'm gonna go ahead and type a name for this list. I wanna make sure that I am being, you know, very clear about what This list is comprised of because trust me. Our list can build up pretty quickly.

And so this is I always say not the time to be cute. I'm not gonna call this Mimi's amazing list. I'm gonna call this, new with no cadence. Okay.

And I could go ahead and click save. And now I can see my new list name here and I could see all of my lists set here.

And the best part about this too is that Each of your lists are dynamic.

So anytime that someone meets the filter criteria, they will funnel into the list when I view it.

And so at this point, as a new user, I would encourage you to rinse and repeat this process for all of your different, like, targets. So your different personas, your different verticals, industries, whatever it is, like, however your business segments your outreach.

And now, once you've added people and you begun to kind of create these lists, you're ready to continue to work your way through your, your actions or even scrub these new people. Alright. So at this point, all roads, you will find will typically lead you back to your home dashboard where rhythm is going to serve your central hub for executing your daily tasks. Alright. So we are moving on to the third and final learning objective. Where we're gonna, show you how to complete your daily actions from your focus zones.

So let's take a look at what it looks like to complete some actions.

And we're gonna go ahead and kick this off in our Cadence Focus zone Now, there are different touch types that can be leveraged throughout your cadences, but we're gonna focus on be two types of steps that are most commonly used. This is going to include, email steps and then phone steps or call steps.

So I'm gonna go ahead scroll down to this inbound follow-up cadence. It really doesn't matter.

In my situation which one I go through first.

But I could see what type of action it is on the left. I could see the name of the step, the name of the cadence, and I see that I have three people do on this step. To run it, I could click this play button here or I can open this step up to actually see who these three people are. And so I can see each person who they are what their account is and I can play or run each individual step or I can just click to run all. Now three things will happen when you run a step. Okay.

So first and foremost, your sidebar is going to open.

Since we're running a cadence step, it's gonna be my cadence sidebar, and I'm actually seeing all of the do people on this step.

And it's going to sort depending on due date, priority, whatever filters you have set here.

Behind us, we're gonna see this person's profile.

And then the third thing we're gonna see is our step panel.

Now since this is an email step, I'm gonna see my email panel and Another thing you may know is that when I ran this step, my content within the email actually auto populated for me. Now this means that whoever built this cadence, added the email content to the step for me.

Now This is really awesome because I know or, you know, I should feel confident knowing that this email content aligns to the messaging of this cadence overall, but also for the maturity of the cadence step. Right?

And so my job is to just simply add some personalization prior to sending.

And that is where the person profile being in the background really comes in handy or yeah, comes to my help.

And so, there's a lot of different things that I could look at here depending on how I have this set up. But first and foremost, I can look at this person's activity. Kind of what have we, you know, spoken with them or sent them in the past? What do I have upcoming?

Do I have any notes associated to their record have we spoken on the phone and I maybe have a recording?

And then when I scroll down, I can also see, you know, have they engaged with us at all what details do I have for them.

And then, you may have links to different social profiles that they have or even a link back to their CRM record. Now, let's say that they did have some engagement with us, and how I would use that engagement to my advanced here. Okay? So let's say there were, you know, tons of emails that I've sent to them and they've opened some of them.

They've opened our emails, but they haven't responded.

From that information, I could potentially infer that the content spoke to this person and their current business day. And I might just try and use some similar content to a jog their memory or maybe even finally kind of say the right thing and get them to respond.

Now, for outbound emails, we actually recommend twenty five percent of the email to be personalized.

And this is across all industries.

For sales email twenty or twenty five percent should look something like a single sentence. So it doesn't have to be a ton.

But we also encourage you to personalize the sentence right after our greeting. Okay. And the reason for this is that the first sentence along with the greeting will appear in someone's email preview within their inbox.

And so if that comes first, there's seeing a more personalized message instead of something maybe a little bit generic or impersonal.

And it could help, you know, increase your open rates or even your response rates. Okay.

Now, once that done, I have a couple of other options to kind of help myself, maybe get a little bit more traction. The first of which is included a calendar link directly in the email.

This helps reduce the back and forth trying to schedule a meeting with someone. If are able to book a meeting with you on their own time. Okay?

And so I could insert my link to where they would be able to, book however much time with me based on my current calendar availability, or if I'd prefer I could actually insert specific dates and times for them to book with me. If the email content did not prepopulate when I ran this cadence I also have the option to insert templates from my library or even snippets.

If I am responding to some or there's something that I wanna include like a a registration link to an event or something. Now, when I'm all set and ready to send out my email, I could click send and edit next and I'll move on to the next person.

I could schedule this email to send at a later time if, you know, maybe they're in a different region, and it's past their working hours. I could schedule it to send tomorrow morning, or it can click to schedule all. If I do this, I would just wanna make sure that I run through all the steps and try and add some personalization to each so that, you know, I'm using my time most wisely. And I am, you know, doing everything I can to try and ensure success for myself. Now as soon as I click send, if someone is to respond to my email message.

There's a couple of different places where I'm going to see it. So I will see an alert for that response in my live feed notifications, which I'm gonna see on my home dashboard, but also in this top navigation bar, and I'll get a little red icon that indicates a new notification.

And then I'll also see the response in my email inbox.

Alright. So, I'm actually gonna pull up this again, and I can access the sidebar through here. But what I wanna show you is, we're gonna run through a call step, but, I wanna show you how I can actually go back to another cadence step on this sidebar. So I'm gonna click this left back arrow, and when I do that, you're gonna notice I'm gonna see actually all of my cadence steps just like I saw in my cadence focus zone.

So I'm gonna go ahead and run a phone step type. I'm gonna go ahead and click play so I can move on. And so, the same three things are going to happen just like when I ran that email step, but we're gonna notice a few key differences.

First and foremost, I have a fourth panel, which is if you use our in app dialer. It is going to open up and it is gonna populate with a name and for, phone number for the person that we are calling. And then, instead of the email panel, I'm going to see my call notes panel. For our call step, I will have this panel available.

And there could be a variety of things that I'm gonna see here. First and foremost, we could there is potentially going to be a space where you see some instructions included. So if the person who built this cadence added to this phone step. Maybe it states some, like a call script, specific talking points they want you to include beneath that, you are always going to see a place to log any call notes.

So these are the key details that you wanna take note of and any notes that you take and include here will be included in your completed action when it is pushed over to your CRM. And well as logged with the activity in SalesLoft.

Now, not everyone uses the in app dialer, you can, of course, make phone calls outside of SalesLoft, but you will lose like a couple of things, from an outside phone provider. Okay. So you'll the ability to, of course, access any recordings because we won't have one for you.

And you'll also lose like a log of the actual call. So you can still log that you completed the call and you completed the phone step, but there will be like an actual time stamp or a record inside of SalesLoft that the call was actually completed. You or your manager, whoever we'll need to get that from the, you know, the app or the, you know, device that you use to actually make the call. You're gonna notice beneath here is two fields.

They may be required or one of may be required. Totally depends on how it's configured.

But they are called disposition and sentiment. These are really important pieces of information that you can log for a call. Okay. So if you don't have time or information to really do anything else, We encourage you to at least edit these two fields.

They're extremely easy to report off of, and they will help you identify any trends with calls you've been having. So I was gonna tell you how you're performing on your calls and they're really valuable pieces of data for management to see how your team as a whole is doing. And, if I haven't convinced you yet, sales op also pulls your call activity into our into the coaching module.

Which will help you as a seller get the most accurate coaching to help improve your motion.

And, your calls will be organized based on the disposition and sentiment so your, manager can really dig in and see what's going on, positive or negative.

Alright. So the disposition is the tactical outcome of the call. So did you leave a voicemail? Did you connect with the person, things like that? And the sentiment defines the outcome of the conversation.

So if you do speak to someone, how did it go? Or, you know, did you hit a gatekeeper?

Know, you will find the right sentiment that matches your situation. And once you're done with the call, you can click log and complete, move on to the next person.

But you're also gonna likely see an opportunity to hit success, which can be found, on the phone panel, but also within the quick actions on each person's profile. Now since cadences are goal oriented, this means that you are trying to achieve an outcome when each call or even email step.

Now when you achieve that outcome, you should hit success.

This will tell your team that this step helped you achieve your goal. And then your team or you can even move with then replicating that success at scale.

Now, if you were also to get on the line with someone and your goal was to book a meeting with, either yourself or your AE with them, you can go ahead while you're on the phone leverage actually any of these quick actions while you're on the phone, but specifically booking a meeting with someone. So you can, you know, knock that out more efficiently, but also make sure that you don't forget.

Once you are caught up with your prospect activity, or, you know, whenever you have a spare moment in between your meetings, you can jump over to your rhythm focus zone to focus on any upcoming meetings, or email follow ups, you can respond to your high priority buyers or engage with leads that are sending you signals from your third party or your partner apps. What you can be sure of is that rhythm is going to automatically take in all of your data to prioritize what you should do next accurately.

The goal here is to take the guesswork out of the, like, what do I do next?

And the more that we use or you use rhythm, the more accurate it's going to become.

When you go to complete a rhythm action, you can quickly determine a few things.

You can see what type of action it is. You can see where the or what the action is, where it originated from.

And, you could actually hover over, an action to get more information.

And this panel is going to pop up, and we like to call this explainability.

Okay. We wanna be transparent about why one action is prioritized over another so that you can understand the why that's happening behind the scenes.

So this will be through either this, you know, money icon, and that'll populate if there is a related opportunity.

But if you scroll down or, you may only see this option here. You're gonna see your flames and then, a person's profile information to the right.

That is going to be for all of your actions that are associated with a person that doesn't have an opportunity related to them yet. Okay? Last thing I wanna say is if you think about the term focus zone, we wanna think about, okay, how do we focus even further? Because each of these do a good job of kinda narrowing down to include your most, important or your highest priority.

But, each focus on will have the same filters across some of them, but also some additional depending on your needs. So you can filter by the due date you can show only specific tasks or, you know, tasks or actions from a specific place.

Specific type and even time zone.

So definitely play around with your different filters and, sort each focus zone to make sure that you are able to, you know, work in the most effective way for you. Okay. Wanna make sure that the experience supports you and your process.

If you are brand new to Salesloft, then you are in the right place! This session is designed to get beginners up to speed on all things Rhythm, People tab, & running Cadence steps.

At the end of this session, you should be able to:

Best Suited for: XDRs, Marketing, Full Cycle Sellers, CSMs