Power Plays: Queue up engagement with Scheduled Imports

Hi everyone, um,
welcome to, um, Power
Plays. This is a new
style of webinars that we're hosting at
Salesloft, uh, where they are
short, so enough to give you like a quick hit of
information, not a full hour, um,
but hopefully something that you can take away and begin to
immediately action with your teams.
Um, so today's power play is focused
on scheduled imports.
Uh, so we'll be talking about and walking through the
process of setting a scheduled import and how this can
help your team.
Uh, uh, with me today is my
colleague Andy.
Um, Andy's based in R&B office, is
one of our technical solutions consultants. Um,
I'm Sarah. I'm one of the managers here at
Salesloft, um, on our customer success
team, so we'll be guiding you through the process.
Um, next slide here.
So just a little bit of um
setup here, so a little housekeeping. Uh
we will use the Q and A box
only for questions. So as you look at the right-hand
side panel of your screen, you should see
a little uh a box
with a question mark in the middle. Please put your questions
there. Um, we will either
uh answer that question live where we are
or wait until the end of the session we
will have a specific set time for Q&A.
Um, but that is gonna be it. Uh,
anything else, we can't see you, we can't hear you, and it's just
Andy, myself, and the screen.
Uh, so from here, um, Andy's gonna take over
and we're gonna jump into SalesLoft and walk
through uh a live demonstration or how you
actually would set this up in your instance
today. Thanks.
Thank you so much for that, Sarah. So I am
currently in my stuff at the moment. So
where you would find your scheduled imports will
be in settings
and scheduled imports down here.
So you can see I have no scheduled imports
at the moment. Oh sorry, there,
or in 11
quickly here, I think it might be helpful. Um, can
we just set like a,
can you set like a base stage for like
what scheduled. Reports are and kind of
why they might be helpful to set up for
your team we could probably start there just to make sure we level
set with the team of course. um,
so with scheduled imports, you can now
build reports in Salesforce,
um, that can run daily, weekly, hourly.
Um, so if you wanted to build a contacts and
accounts report that you wanted to import to Saso
and into a cadence,
you can do that now, um, and it's gonna
be easier for you guys for a lot of admins,
um, and easier for a lot of reps because then you
don't need to go into Salesforce manually and
keep adding them on.
Later on in this um
presentation as well we'll run you through what's
the difference between kind of scheduled imports and automation
um but in hindsight with admins
it's easy for them to create within Salesforce
and then you just upload it into Salesforce
straight away.
So it is a relatively new feature.
Yeah, and I'll add a couple more, sorry there, Andy, I'll add a couple
more features too, um, is that
the benefit here is that
um you can design, you know, you
can build the report by whatever
columns and filters are relevant for you
and your teams, and then we can just, we'll literally
just read the report. So no
additional fields to map, no additional data to
bump. Like, literally, we'll just be reading
the information that's on the report and
putting those people into. Whatever cadence
you want to put them into, um, and even assigning
the particular action to any
rep or any part of the, any person that's part
of the team that also has salesoft access.
So just a a few other key pieces there.
So yeah, yeah, it's pretty extensive
what the admin can do on the Salesforce
report. They can make it as specific as they want
to or as broad as they want it to. So
you have a lot more freedom within the report
when you're building it.
So relatively new feature is found out here
in schedule imports in your sales loft.
And in your Salesforce,
um, usually a Salesforce admin will build
the report out for you or maybe
even your manager.
I have just built a contacts
and accounts report. I've called
it scheduled imports here, but you can click me your
report. Of course,
um, select the report type.
And start the report.
Now within my scheduled import report,
This is a standard scheduled, um
sorry, this is standard contacts and
accounts report, but something that I've added
into the report.
Is the contact ID.
So even if I click edit here,
um what you'll need to do is add the
contact ID as an additional column
from just the standard contacts and account
report that Salesforce pulls up.
From here you can edit and remove fields as
needed, but an important call out is the
contact ID is on the report.
And then from here you can also notice
that the report is in a tabular format,
it's not in groups, um, again you
can see that one filtering, there's no groupings
here. And there's
40 contacts on this report.
No, I have it. I have my report ready.
And something that I want to point out within this
as well is that the report is in
a public folder.
And so upon creation of the
And when we click save,
I'm just doing this as a tester. Let me
just add my contact ID.
It's good to note
that the folder we will default to
that private reports folder
and just select here and make sure it's
and accessible.
So once that report has been created,
And it's ready to use.
I can go back onto my scheduled imports
in sales loft, click new schedule,
have my import name,
select my report.
And it'll pop up on here. There's also
an option to view that report in your CRM
just to make sure you've selected the correct one.
I I would say that I would
say if you, I would say too that if you don't notice
the report there in the dropdown,
um, two things one, try just
refreshing in case just the timing of when
you built the report,
and second, ensure that it's in a
public folder. 9 out of 10 times,
yeah, that's in public.
Make sure it's not private. Make sure it's public. 9 out
of 10 times, um,
it's that the. The um
reports actually private without noticing
and so again, just making sure those two things are
making sure you check those. Take a few seconds,
um, after I
had created the report for it to show up on
a drop down,
again, don't panic, it will
eventually show up there.
And then of course select the import schedule
hourly, daily, weekly.
So if, for example, a kind of use
case for this is
if you are getting new leads
on a weekly basis,
um, you can create a leads report.
Um, have it generate and you can have those
new leads come into sales stuff on that weekly
basis. So for example, if you review it on a
um, and then that gets uploaded.
Select the day of the week and that's the same for.
Um, our daily,
Have your selected time here.
Assigned person record owners,
so either assign it by the CRM record
owner or assigned by a report
column. So again, when Sarah mentioned to you,
it's pretty extensive what you can do on the
um Salesforce report. People are pretty
flexible on it, you can actually have a column
in there to have the owner that you want it to be
assigned to.
Or assign it by whoever owns that record
in the CRM.
From here, import actions, um,
typically as best practice, we do
recommend create people in an add to a cadence.
Um, you don't want to have these people sitting in salesloft
and the reps may forget about them or
not know that they are in salesloft already.
Um, so creating people and ad to cadence,
the kind of best practice,
just to make sure that they are in there, your reps
are ready to take the next actions.
Select person or team.
Then select the cadence to add them in.
And then here with cadence assignee,
so we can assign it to a specific user and
that's selected from the report in the column
assigned by the sales of person you know.
And that's gonna be the person who runs it,
or a signed by a report card.
So I can select the specific
user here as well.
That'll be next.
One thing to note too,
oh sorry, I'm just gonna jump there too. One thing to,
another thing to note here is that there were,
there was an opportunity to where you could
set the owner of the record and then
also the person who is going to be the assignee
for the cadence.
So, two different things, and again, they don't
have to be the same thing.
So what I typically suggest to customers
is when they, they assign the ownership
to the CRM owner, so we just
leave that standard ownership.
So really selecting the first option, and then we
come down to the assignee. This is where you're
going to choose option number 3, and this
is where you could use the column in your
report. So it's a CSM owner,
it's a STR owner, it's a renewal owner,
right? Like this is where you can decide what that will be it
will just read the owner column
from that report and then make that person the
assignee, so completely devoid of ownership.
So again, you've got a couple of options there, but just note that distinct
difference between ownership and
Thank you, Sarah. And
then of course um you do have the option, depending
on what type of report you're uploading into
Salesloft, a lot of flexibility
here to sign that specific user
in Salesloft as well.
Yeah, and we did just, I'm get a question here, so
we might jump in, this might be a good time for this. So we have
um uh a question that says,
you know, looking at some examples where we see
other Salesloft using, like, what would be some
examples that we've seen uh Salesloft
customers use this uh function.
Sorry to schedule it.
Oh sorry, I think we've got,
oh yeah, so sorry, we just got somebody asking for some
examples of how customers are currently
using this.
um, and so one exa a couple of
examples that I'll share that I've worked with customers
recently on, um, one is
related to uh renewals. So
customer has um a renewals process
set up and so they want to be able to pull in people,
uh, accounts or customers when they reach the 90
day mark. And they want to be able to sign that
action to a particular person whether it was
a renewals manager or the account executive
so we're using that process because again
um we can build the report based
on whatever information that you want so a little
more flexible than uh date-based
automation in Salesloft.
So that's one example. um I've also
seen this used for customers who
are uh working off of um
uh uh.
Like events. So let's say that you have
campaign members and so you're coming off the back
of an event. So one particular example,
a customer just had their annual event.
There's a whole follow-up process based on
attended and not attended, and so we're
using those uh campaign
reports to be be able to pull those people in
and then push them into relevant cadences automatically.
So those would be two examples I've worked on recently with
customers. Andy, any others that you would
share in terms of how you've seen customers use this?
Yeah, no, those are really good examples. I
think the database one is the best one.
again, people use it when
they're coming up to a renewal or
new, maybe a new products that are being launched and that
might be interested in it. Um,
you can use it to really group,
um, specific targeted people, and you can build
reports on
again, new products, new opportunities, um, renewal
dates, even changing of accounts. Um,
so yeah, pretty flexible in that aspect.
Yeah, we had, and somebody else mentioned I'm
using it for a lead queue and importing it
um and assigning within the hour, and so that's
a really good use case too. So,
Um, the, the big difference there is if
you, if your
lead to like your speed
to lead is within minutes, um, we
would say that using automation is gonna be better
because that is in real time. Um, if you
can, if it can be done on an hourly basis,
because maybe there's some sort of timing in terms of how things
get assigned,
using scheduled imports is a really good use case
for that too. So yeah,
great. OK.
That's it for the questions for now.
All right, well, this is part of the scheduled import,
so once you're here, just click save
and then it'll run as um
as and when you set its schedule.
One thing that I do want to say is, of course you
can have it enabled here, you've got the created
by and on, so the date
specifically, the report name, the cadence
it's going to,
you can view the scheduled import logs
here. The
scheduled import logs will tell you if that log ran
successfully, how many people were added into the cadence,
and the import ID and
of course there's any alerts. So if there were any
kind of specific errors that you need to point out,
that will, that will appear on the logs. I
do recommend
reviewing the logs, um, as regularly
as the as the reports are going.
Um, so if you do have one that's hourly,
maybe review it at the hour just
to make sure it's gone through successfully,
daily or weekly.
Just have that little reminder to view that log,
um, to make sure it's going through.
And did you wanna um go back and the one thing I
just was thinking about when we think about things to
consider is that um
Uh, some sort of function that
removes people from the report once they've
been added to a cadence.
Do you want to maybe mention that part?
Yes. So within the report
that you can, you can build, um,
you can make it, you can maybe
make it dynamic.
Um, so that when that person
has appeared in this report, so for example,
Margaret Caswell,
she's already being added to the cadence on
a weekly basis,
build. Um, in the report
to remove Margaret out of the cadence
when she's already been on that weekly
So have that dynamically changed.
Yeah, and and and the thing the thing about
that is to note that we can't add
somebody into the same cadence at the
same time. Like Margaret can't be added today,
and then again be added back tomorrow. So
you can't have her in the cadence at the same time.
But what can happen
is that Margaret gets added to the cadence
and then in future date gets removed because
she's completed the like the rep has completed the
action. If Margaret remains
on the report, she will get re-added
back into the cadence. So this is
where having that
additional filter for removing people
from the report, um, can be helpful just
to make sure that people aren't being re-added back
into the cadence uh once they've been removed.
So there's a few different ways to, to do that,
um, by adding some a filter,
um, that either by most recent cadence
name or another identifier
if that your, you know, team is using.
There's something else to add on here as well.
So on the logs, um, it's just
understanding how to read the logs as well.
Um, so Sarah mentioned,
um, of course, Margaret can't be re-added to the
same cadence that she's already in.
Um, she can only be right once she's
been removed, but
the number of people,
um, that will continuously,
and Sarah, correct me if I'm wrong here,
um, go up even though
she's already in the cadence.
Um, so she's already been added.
This number
may look misleading
because we're still continuing to add
that person to a cadence.
Um, so again, it's worthwhile checking these
logs, um, but it's nice to
know how to read the logs as well.
Wait, Sarah, I can't hear you.
I hit mute, sorry. Um, yes, so
the, um, in that example, we took your
report that had 40 people on it, and we didn't
have anything in the report that was removing
Um, and let's say we have the report running daily.
Every day it's gonna look like we're adding
40 people. We're not actually adding
them because they already exist, but the
number will skew a little bit to that.
So just note that that's where, um, when
you're looking at the logs, you're like, wait, the logs have
said that I've added 1000 people.
It's not. It's just, it's looking at the
report and then pulling everybody that's on
the report every single day or
however, uh, how, how often this
uh report is running.
So, um, but again, note that we're
not adding Margaret into the
cadence every single day, um,
but we are looking and
importing, quote unquote, I'll use that
word importing loosely into the cadence
every day. Um, so we have a
question from Nicolette. She says, I've been using
the scheduled imports, but my logs look like they're, yeah,
Nicollette, there's the answer.
I like the same amount of people each day in this
case, yes. So again, it is,
if there are new people on the report, they are
absolutely getting added,
um, but that's why that looks skewed because
we're just reading again if the report has 40 people.
we're gonna add 40 people. And then tomorrow, it
will say,
um, 80 people, right? Because it looks
like we're adding another 40, but we're not technically
adding them.
And this, uh, uh,
we did ask the product team about this and
discussed that it could look, you know, confusing.
So apologies for that. There was a reason
behind it that I have to go back and look at why,
um, that was said that way.
But that just brings to the point of like filtering
the report,
removing the people that are no longer in it, and
plus it does just, um,
decrease the chances of them being re-added into
the cadence. And for example, if
you're working that renewal cadence, if
they hit that 30 day mark anyways, you
wouldn't want them to go hit. You want to clear that
value, remove them from the report, and once they
hit the value of 30 days, then they get re-added
back into the report.
And that's the same thing with the cadence.
Yeah, um, and Nicola had a, a
follow up question just around is there a way, is what's the
best way to see new ads,
um, or we just view them in the people tab.
Um, I think probably,
I do think that the log, um, I'm trying to
think about how the log appears. I don't know if you've
got like a live let me see if I can see a live
example. Um, in
terms of the best way to
To view these people. I mean, for sure, I'm thinking
that you could use the import ID.
Is there another way that you would think of or
that you can think of Andy
That, yeah, the easiest and the best way
would just go into the cadence, go to people,
you, you know, you can view the
report, of course, scheduled import, and you
can see which cadence it's going to.
It's going into this one, you can go
into the cadence,
go into that specific cadence
and see people.
You can just see in progress or
or being added, yeah, step one
and see from here, yeah.
I think that would be as a whole, as an admin,
the easiest way. And the reason why
I do you recommend adding them specifically into
a cadence is because then the rep don't need
to go in and see the people, they
can just go into workspace and run as
run everything as normal and say like, OK, I've
got, you know, 10 people to run in my
123 cadence that just must be
from the scheduled imports. I can go
ahead and action them straight away.
Um, we also then have uh another question is, do
we need to build a dynamic report for
So I think,
yes, um yes, um, yeah, go ahead,
sorry. No, no, you go ahead, Sarah, I interrupted
I was gonna say, um, yes, I mean, for whatever process
that you're looking to implement, you would have a report
that's associated,
um, so I hope that answers that, that
question, but that's kind of how it works.
You know, again, the, the two paths are that you're
importing and adding to cadence, or you're just doing
importing only.
And I would say that if you're just gonna import only,
um, this might be a scenario where,
again, you've got reps that are pulling people
into Salesloft via ZoomInfo,
via Cognizome, via. A third
um, data tool. And so the
idea of having that scheduled import could be that,
you know, it's pulling people as they're creating the records
in sales, uh, loft,
or sorry, in Salesforce, but for that purpose, I'd actually
probably suggest an automation rule
instead so they get pulled in automatically.
Um, but yes, typically in this process,
the Typical use cases
that we're adding people into a cadence, and
so there would be an associated report
related to whatever that action is, because usually there's
a reason, whether they're,
you know, an inbound, whether they're part of a
campaign, whether they're part of a renewal process, so they're
usually associated to something specific.
Um, we've got another question here. I've
been manually importing contexts weekly using
the sales of import widget.
Um, it, it, it would, but it would
do it automatically, Lewis, so it would
just, instead of you having to do that every single time,
if you were to build a report based on your
leads or your contacts, um,
it would do it automatically.
there's also some maybe some ways that you could potentially
work with your, your team
on whether it's an automation rule
that automatically pulls people and there's a few ways to
do this, but, but you're correct in that.
Essentially would replace you manually
pulling them if I, yeah,
if I go to imports and if I just go
to contact.
You'd probably have been importing from here
on a contact to contact basis and that might
take quite a while.
Um, the report that I built specifically
was a contacts and accounts report,
so, um,
again, if you don't have the ability to build reports
in Salesforce,
that's something for your admin to do and this can
all alleviate all of those manual tasks.
um, so contacts and accounts where you can have a leads
report, start the report
again that pulls up the default
columns here.
The main one to add is that contact
ID value
filter through, the reason why I'm not seeing
any here.
Then it'll pull through everything that I have
because it's my demo account.
Um, once I click save and run again, just
that main point, um, as I said earlier,
private reports.
Make it public, and that will definitely appear
under the dropdown for the report, but.
Yeah, you can definitely, um, alleviate
that manual step of going into every
contact in Salesforce and
uploading manually
or doing it weekly. Yeah, absolutely. Um,
and the question of import limit,
this is a great question. Um, so the, it's
2000, so the import limit
is 2000, um, at a time.
So again, if you did have a, a bulk number,
not necessarily something we'd always recommend, but if
there was a scenario where you had 10,000
records that you needed to get into SalesLoft.
Um, you could create the report, and
as long as then you have that
value that's pulling people off the
report once they get added into Salesloft or
added into cadence, you know, it could
take, you could have it run every hour, and
so it would take 5 hours, but you could get everybody
into Salesloft. Um, but again, it's
only gonna run 2000 records at a time.
So that helps Christian.
Cool. We've got 55 minutes
Um, let's think about it, um, we did include
a slide and of course everyone will get the recording and
the slides associated. We did include a slide that talks
through kind of like things to consider
as well as a
kind of a decision tree, like
what is a good use case for scheduled imports
versus what is a use case for automation
because there are some things that can kind of cross over,
like some things, um, you know, where you're
looking to make a decision about what the best process is.
Um, again, these are all the things we've talked about,
um, before, but you'll have this kind of in the deck to
follow just so you know. Um, and then if you want
to go to the next slide,
um, Andy to look at that decision tree,
um, and so again, this is just looking at, again, scenarios
where you would choose one versus the other, and
the kind of easiest way that I like to think about it
is how quickly do you need
these people into Salesloft or into Salesloft
and into a cadence. If it's immediate,
um, then I would absolutely vote automation.
Um, if it is that, no, this, this can
run at a at a hourly, daily or weekly
kind of schedule,
then using um scheduled imports is great.
If it's time that like time-based, meaning
there's a trigger in sales force
that you're wanting to action something off of,
um, I would say that a scheduled
import is the way to do it, uh, versus
looking at automation. So again, there are a couple
of things, um, that top line
that I think of. Andy, if there's anything else you,
you kind of add there.
No, that's pretty good. Um, I feel like that's top
line too, but of course you'll have this resource
for you to
reflect to, um, just in case.
Yeah, great.
Um, and I'll just make sure we have anything else
we didn't answer, but I think we've got
just about
import limit. Yeah,
great, got all that. OK.
Um, last couple of minutes. So if anybody has any
additional questions,
um, you know, feel free to drop them in. Um,
we'd really love this feature.
Um, I really love this feature, we really love this
feature. Um, it's super handy. Um,
OK, let's see if there's anything else,
there is.
We do, yeah. Is there a way to see
new ads or do we just view them on
the people tab? Um,
the new,
um, little icon that you see on the people tab
would would be the best way to view them.
but you can also again see the import logs,
um, but again if you do want to see the new ads
into a cadence recommendation, go into the cadence
into the people,
um, but otherwise we're just importing them
as is people tab.
I feel like this, I feel like I should know this answer and I
don't, but um
because there's an import ID associated, do we, can
we pull that into the import?
Like filter, like filter by.
Import ID?
I can't remember if that works in the people page.
We should be able to.
So an email just said, hey, good morning.
This hasn't run yet. We don't have an ID.
Um, so yeah, so we don't have any idea.
But I'm thinking that you can use that and then go into
the people page
and then filter
port and that's
where I'd be kind of curious.
I have to validate that, but I think that could potentially be the
way to also, and then you could like save that
view, and then every time you come back to it, you
could then see the new people that have been added
related to that import.
That would be an idea.
I think that works.
Cool. All right.
Um, well, thanks
everyone for joining. Hopefully, this was, um,
short and sweet and gives you something for you
to take away to your teams and get into,
you know, implement.
Uh, of course, reach out, um, there's
some, uh, you know,
resources there, so using things like our Salesloft
assistant, so if you haven't used that already.
Um, that's a great opportunity to leverage
the AI. You can find that on our help site.
You can also find the Salesloft AI
widget on, um, within your profile.
So under your little
icon on the top or your initials in the top right-hand
corner, there's an ask me a question in the dropdown.
So feel free to use that. We also have our champion hub,
great opportunity to um talk
with other
Salesloft admins and users and
around best practices and things they're doing. So if you have
questions, that could be a good place to put it as well.
Um, and then if something feels like it's not working as
it is, it's intended, you know,
certainly feel free to reach out to the support team at
support@salesoft.com. Again,
you'll get all these resources following, so thanks to get
everyone for attending, and we hope you have a great
Scheduled imports are a powerful feature that allows teams to automate task assignments seamlessly by scheduling Salesforce Report imports, bridging the gap between Salesloft and crucial CRM data. In a few simple steps, Salesforce users can automatically import People and assign action based on any CRM data on or related to a Lead or Contact.
In this session of Power Plays, our high impact micro-webinar series, we will be sharing actionable insights on how you can leverage Scheduled Imports to drive efficient workflows in your team's day to days. Each Power Play session includes 15 minutes of learning content and 15 minutes of available Q&A time. Today's insights include:
- How Scheduled Imports work
- How to set up a Scheduled Import
- Common use cases
Each micro-webinar will be packed with expert advice, practical tips, and real-world examples using Salesloft to help Admins overcome challenges and accelerate revenue performance.
This micro-webinar is best suited for: Salesloft Admins, Revenue Operations
Presented by:

Sara Waldman
Manager, Customer Success, Salesloft

Andi Gunadi
Associate Solutions Architect, Salesloft