Salesloft on Salesloft: How our CSMs use Salesloft

Hello, everyone. Welcome to SalesLoft on SalesLoft. How are CSMs use SalesLoft? We are excited to be here today.
Yes. Welcome, everyone. Thank you for joining.
Just a quick overview of what we're gonna be learning today. So, you know, after today's session, we wanted you to be able to identify key features across the platform that can support your workflow, drive those quick wins.
Second, implement best practices for maintaining and scaling engagement, always important in the CSM space. And finally, just how do you collaborate with the team more efficiently within the SalesLoft platform? Obviously, as a CSM, you need to be able to speak with, you know, your renewals managers, your account executives, things of that nature. So, hopefully, by the end of today's session, you will have the tools necessary to do all of those things at ease within SalesLoft.
Amazing. So more about us. My name is Dean McDonald. I have been here at SalesLoft for five years. I started off in sales for two years, and I've been in CS for the past three years.
And with that, I'll pass it over to you, Phoebe.
Fab. Thanks, Dean. And, yeah, lovely to be here today. I'm Phoebe Korns. I'm a senior customer success manager here at SalesLoft.
I've been in the customer success team for about two and a half years now.
Prior to that, I was an account executive using SalesLoft. So, have a fair bit of experience on that side too.
But, yeah, my role in customer success has really evolved over the past two and a half years. I started as a scaled customer success manager, so working with a lot of, customers at scale.
And it's gradually changed over time and working with different segments. So really excited to share some of those, insights today.
Fair enough.
Awesome, y'all. Well, if you guys have any questions as we go through this, granted, we are SalesLoft's employees, so we drink the SalesLoft Kool Aid all day. So please use the q and a box. That's where we'll keep track of if you guys have questions. We'll gladly pause after each section just to make sure that all questions are answered before moving forward. And we want this to be interactive, so please don't be shy. Feel free to drop any questions you have in that q and a box.
Fab. Thanks, Dean. So, yeah, kicking off, I guess, there's a few really quick wins in SalesLoft that Dean and I thought as a customer success manager are really gonna help you be more efficient and save time.
And those three things are using snippets and templates. So we're gonna talk a little bit more about how you can set those up and what types of content you might want to create, to save yourself time with those.
Also calendaring and how you can share your availability quickly and easily to book customer meetings.
And then we're also gonna talk about the Chrome extension, as well and how you can work wherever you like using SalesLoft.
So firstly, those snippets and templates. So for those that aren't aware, this is content that you can build in SalesLoft, and then you can insert that into emails, afterwards.
And from here, you can really create a library of all key content and assets that you might send to a customer.
So templates are those longer form, like an email template. They include a subject line and then a body of text.
Snippets are just a smaller version of that, a small chunk of text.
And you can drop those into emails. So my rule of thumb is anything that you find yourself typing twice, turn it into a snippet or a template.
And then what you can do is really easily drop that into your emails afterwards.
And it could be things that you commonly use. So whether it's a follow-up email template or best practices, value add resources that you find yourself sharing repeatedly.
Create those as templates and snippets to save yourself time rather than having to type it out every, time.
As I say, it's worth mentioning, Phoebe, too, though. You can do group a specific templates and snippets. So you as a CSM or CSM leader can assign specific templates and snippets to your team so that way they're not having to go through and navigate between sales templates, anything like that. You can actually have it defaulted so that your CSM or yourself only see those CSM related templates templates and snippets. Excuse me. So that's just another cool feature about it.
Thanks, Dean.
Yeah. If anyone has got any good suggestions on what they, use as a template to share with their customers, feel free to share. Another one of my favorite ones is when we have product updates. I'll create a template, or, actually, someone in the team will create a team one that we can all then leverage and share out to our clients.
So we also mentioned booking, calendaring, is a really quick win as a CSM. So, if you aren't aware of this feature, you definitely want to get to know, Rather than having sort of that back and forth of when's a good time to meet, you've got the option in SalesLoft to either share a meeting link. And this is where you send your whole calendar availability, and the client can book a time that suits them.
Or what I quite like to use is the sharing availability, feature, which allows you to select certain times that you want to meet with the customer, and they can select from their favorite slots. So really good, to save yourself, that back and forth, but also be a bit more selective on when you can meet with the clients.
Within this as well, you can also add in multiple attendees. So if you want to loop someone else in your team, so maybe it's the renewals manager or the account executive, you can add them in here, and we'll see their availability, there so you can make sure everyone who needs to be on the call is there.
Yeah. Exactly. I was just to say it's worth noting that when sharing your meeting link, that will only apply to your calendar and your availability.
So if you want specifically to include, you know, your AE and RM, anything like that, you will wanna select specific availability with their calendar.
And that way, you know that the time works for both of you there. And, Phoebe, I do see a question here is, can our Calendly link be added? Is it easy to add? So the answer to that, yes. We do integrate with Calendly.
We'll sync any meetings that are picked up through your Calendly system. Essentially, you'll just wanna ensure that your reps have calendar sync enabled.
And then from there, if the Calendly link is within their calendar invite on the meeting, we'll pick that up and associate it to the person within SalesLoft. So no manual things, anything you need to add. We'll essentially automatically pick it up so long as you have that calendar sync functionality enabled.
Yeah. Thanks, Dean. And one good thing, that you could do there, Kim, is you create a snippet with your calendar your Calendly link included so that you can really quickly and easily drop that into emails.
Fab. So leaning leading on, to that. So alongside meetings, you also have the, option to create a custom meeting type.
So this is something that we find super helpful, here to save a bit of time. You'll see this screenshot where we've got different CSM type meetings that we might have. And when I share my availability, I can select from a type of meeting.
When I do that, it actually prepopulates an agenda and a meeting title as well. So I don't have to type that out each time. That's already populated for me.
That also can then be tracked back in our CRM so I can my leaders can run a report to see how many types of meetings I've done if I've hit my business review target, or my, QBR, my best practice target as well.
Exactly. I was just gonna add to that. Yeah. We use it here internally just to do things like, was this a health check meeting? Was it a QBR? Just because your managers and leadership, aggregate view of to say, like, what was that meeting about?
And it gives you guys the ability to customize, you know, the wording and the information that is within, like, the snippet and actually being sent out within the calendar invite based on that meeting type.
Thanks, Dean. So the final quick win, that we wanted to mention was leveraging the Chrome extension. So this is really gonna allow you to use SalesLoft wherever you're working, whether it's your email provider or within your CRM.
So there's a couple of screenshots here, but I think I will just die jump into our, demo instance here to show you how that looks in real life. So say I was working from Salesforce.
Along the side here is where you'll see the, extension. So I can pop that open. And if I'm on a person, I've got all their details here. I can quickly contact them. I can add them to a cadence, or I can see what activity, has occurred, or is due on that person.
So I really like that. I can see my live feed from here as well. So if you do like working from your CRM, you can also run your cadence steps and and tasks from here too.
You've also then got the option to use, the extension in Chrome. So if you use Gmail here, you can see I'm lofting my emails, but I can also insert insert that calendar availability that we've mentioned, but also templates and snippets.
So really handy to quickly add in that high value content or what whatever I'm trying to message I'm trying to get across, I'll insert that. And that's nice, quick, easy way to, add SalesLoft into Gmail.
Anything to add there, Dean?
I would just say this is really just to give you guys the flexibility to work out of whatever platform or whatever workflow you see fit that you're comfortable with. Right? Obviously, some people prefer to work out of their email. Others prefer to work directly out of Salesforce.
Some even just right out of SalesLoft. So the Chrome extension really just gives you the ability to work out of wherever you see the most value and you feel the most comfortable with. That's really the main the main purpose of it.
Yeah. Thanks. And to, Dean, I know you've answered Robert's point, but, no. The client won't see the meeting type here. So you can this is like your internal naming.
What they will see is the title and the description. So as long as these wording is customer facing, then you're all good.
And, Phoebe, we had one more question. Some of the differences of how the extension works from, Outlook versus Gmail.
Do you want a touch on that?
Yeah. Good question. So the, Chrome extension works with Gmail.
There's a separate plugin for Outlook. It's called the Outlook plugin.
So you just want to download that in it's the Outlook plugin store.
So I'll make sure we follow-up with a link of where to find that, but it works very, similarly. You still have the option to insert your calendar availability, but it just lives along the top of the Outlook banner there. So Outlook plug in, for SalesLoft is what you want to search for.
I actually just dropped a link to it from our knowledge base right there in the chat. So feel free, Robert, to take a look or not Robert. You were me asking the meeting type, but apologies.
Yeah. You can see it right there, in the chat box.
Thanks, Dean. Okay. I'm gonna hand over to you. That's all the quick wins.
Amazing. So one of the most important things, when using SalesLoft is how do you strategically manage your book of scale? Right? So in my role, currently, I'm managing roughly between forty five to sixty five accounts.
So it takes a lot of time in your day. You're not able to reach out individually one by one. So SalesLoft is is helping us manage and reach out to those customers to scale. Right?
So how do I do things as efficiently and effectively as possible? And then one of the ways we do that is by tiering out our accounts. Right? So not all accounts fall into the same category, and we break it down as followed.
Right? So our tier one accounts is our top five percent. These are handpicked by myself along with my renewals manage renewals manager and my client account executives.
We essentially go through and say, these are the top five to ten accounts that we are working this quarter.
These are the ones that we feel are the most we that need the most assistance in terms of potential to grow.
Maybe there's something some sort of initiative going on there. But those tier one accounts are really the main ones that I'm focusing on with fully personalized, and I'm reaching out to with a white glove approach. From there, we have our tier two accounts, which are qualified accounts. They probably have an upcoming renewal.
And with those accounts, I'm using more of a semi personalized approach. Right? So I'm reaching out to them at scale, maybe using some templates and things like that, but personalizing it along the way just to ensure that I'm reaching out in a mindful and tactful manner.
And then last, at least, our tier three accounts. So this is any remaining account, maybe not coming up for renewal, maybe they just renewed. For those people, I'm gonna use a different, form of outreach. I'm gonna use a more of a fully templated, fully automated approach. So that way, I'm not having to use any of my bandwidth or time throughout my day, reaching out to those people. Essentially, SalesLoft is doing that for me, being sure that I'm using a gentle nudge and touch point system to stay at top of mind when the renewal does come.
So if you can jump to the next slide, Phoebe, unless you have something else to add here.
I I think just important to note that just because that's the way we tier our accounts at SalesLoft doesn't necessarily mean it's the same for you. I think it's more about taking this approach and looking at your book holistically and how many, can I put in the tier one, bucket? It might be you've got you have a really small book, so, actually, more people sit in this tier, or you might have an even bigger book than myself and Dean. And, actually, you have to have a bit more of a tier three approach for everyone.
But, yeah, the, I guess, the mindset is to how can you adjust people and spend your time wisely.
But, yeah, over to you, Dean.
Yeah. So I talked about those tier one, accounts. Basically, these are my most important accounts. These are the ones that I wanna get meetings with set.
These are the ones I'm regularly connecting with. I'm the one that knows their their current initiatives, anything like that. So the way we use SalesLoft is we'll essentially break down into three separate kind of cadence forms. So here we have an example of our tier one cadence.
For a tier one cadence, you'll see things a lot of personalization. Right? So we're not gonna use any templates. We're not gonna be using any automation.
These are emails that I'm gonna be writing based off the information that I know, based off our past success plans, based off our past TBRs, anything like that. And you can see that there's a lot of different channels and touch points as well as research steps here. Right? So with these tier one accounts, I really wanna be mindful of what is happening with that account being proactive instead of reactive to say, okay.
This is what we last had our conversation on. I wanna align our goals moving forward.
Let's find time to meet x y z. This tier one account is really just to ensure that you are giving them the quality and the time that they deserve, because these tier one accounts, at the end of the day, are your most important accounts. Right? So we don't wanna just be sending some generic messaging. We wanna take the time to actually personalize each and every one of those steps, as well as just understanding and researching the account at various points to ensure that we still know what's happening with them.
Fab. Dean, we've had a question from Megan asking, what is the longest amount of time in days that you would recommend running a cadence for? In addition, other day counts business days or inclusive of weekends.
Yeah. It's a great question. So business cadence cadence set dates only count for Monday and Friday. You do have the ability within setting up the cadence to select Saturdays and Sundays, but by default, it'll only apply Monday through Friday. And then for the longest amount of time that I recommend running a cadence form, typically depends.
Our best practice KVI is somewhere between sixteen to eighteen touches over twenty five to thirty days. So, typically, we like to see a a one month kind of if I'm reaching out doing a plan. But if this is more so of a, you know, I'm nurturing them until a renewal date, we have cadences that can last up to ninety days. So it's really just kind of a choose your own adventure there, and it depends on what you're looking to aim for in terms of what you want out of that cadence.
Would you have anything to add to that, Phoebe?
Yeah. I would just say it really does depend on the type of cadence you're creating in terms of length. So what Dean referenced there would, like, sixteen days over a month, that would be great for, like, a cold outbound prospecting cadence.
But you might have a different cadence, which is designed more to nurture a customer, and that could be a six month long cadence, but perhaps only one step every month. So you're just sharing small bits of information. So it really just depend on what you're doing. We might also have a cadence designed for newly onboarded customers, and that could last a whole year with information that we send every sort of couple of weeks with insights and best practice. So I definitely say it depends. What you can do is look. Within SalesLoft, when you go to create a cadence, you can either start from scratch and add these steps in one by one, or you can use cadence frameworks.
And these are great because they include best practice and advice for across the set sales cycle. So there's lots in there for post sales. So definitely have a look if, and depending what you're trying to achieve, whether it's, like, upsell or discuss renewal, we'll have the different, suggestions for those.
Yeah. And just to take it a step further, you'll see in one of our next slides that we have cadences that can last almost all year, and those some of those cadence consist of just one touch point per month per year.
But before I dive into that, we did get one question from Trevor. Can you shed more light on what you consider a hook? So I believe you're referencing the last slide page that said hook review. That's actually an internal tool we use to check the state of affairs on an account. So, basically, we can check things like, do they have any known risks? Do they have a renewal coming up in the next six months?
What is the current usage of SalesLoft? That's what we're looking at when we say, hook review. So it is a tool more so than, like, just a hook line and sinker. Like, here's how to reach out to someone and grab a hold of their attention.
We really just wanna ensure that we're looking at the right data to understand what's happening today and how we plan for future state of meeting their goals and initiatives. Right? So that's what it means by by, hook review. And I see we have one more.
That's just me and me replying to that. So, yeah, no worries. That's what we mean by hook review, though. So if you have further clarification, just let us know in the chat.
We'll be happy to touch that. Oh, I hear it. We do have one more question popping up. Is it possible to add a cadence framework to an orgs instance, or is it only the default frameworks from SalesLoft?
So right now, frameworks are standard. There's no way to add or subtract any of the default frameworks, but that's why we give you the ability to build cadences from scratch. Right? So you can start a cadence from scratch, build it out as you see fit, and then from there, you can always edit it, copy it so you can have multiple users using different formats of the same cadence. Right? So let's say I've built out a cadence.
I think it works really well. Phoebe wants to copy it, but she wants to change some of the templates and snippets that are involved in that cadence. She can do that by still using this the cadence structure that I built for myself. So while we can't add any other frameworks, you still do have the ability to do that personalization and then having your reps copy one another just if they wanna tweak more so than having to rebuild out a cadence every time they need a new cadence.
Mhmm. A great question, Sterling.
And then, so here so I talked about tier one cadences. You know, I said fully personalized, no automation whatsoever.
Tier two is gonna be a kind of a mixture of that and what I'm gonna reference here. Tier three, this is where we really see some of the advantages of SalesLoft in terms of using automated email steps, using fully personalized emails or, I mean, fully templatized emails. Apologies. And, essentially, I can I can enter my customer base or my any of my tier three users into this cadence and then set it and forget it? They will be getting the email without me having to click a button. They I know what the wording is going in, and we can use things like dynamic tags to get some form of personalization.
But with the tier three cadence, the real goal of that is to save you time so that you have more time to focus on those tier ones and tiers twos. Right? So this is really just be something that you build out one time, you enter people into, and then from there, it's kind of a it's it's going all by itself. There's nothing that you or your users need to do, in order for those emails to be sent out. They're going out as needed on the schedule.
Yeah. And I see you answered the question there.
So good job.
But, yeah, that is how a tier three cadence would look. And then as I referenced earlier, we have some other cadences to consider. Right? So one of the top cadences I always use is a graduation cadence.
Right? So as soon as implementation says, you know what? We've implemented the customer. They are now live.
I take those users, and I put them in a graduation cadence. That graduation cadence is gonna reach out to the customers once a month. It's just gonna provide best practice as well as any of our future events, and resources, anything like that. So, for example, we'll have links to our champions hub where you can review events on demand, or we'll share links to SalesLoft University.
Another type of cadences that people like to use and we use a lot internally is events and programs. Right? So you all signed up for today's webinar. We would use a cadence to re just reach out to you all and say, look.
Here's everyone who's a CSM within our customer base. Let's reach out to you guys and show you what we have going on in terms of future webinars. Or maybe you guys work trade shows and you wanna follow-up with everyone you met and connected with in person to say thank you for the time. Loved meeting you.
Would love to follow-up. That's another type of cadence that we typically see people doing. So it's a really kind of just different cadences to help make your life easier.
Anything else to add on that, Phoebe?
No. I think you've highlighted the our favorite ones, Dean. I think this is a screenshot from our instance of, yeah, a cadence that we use on the go, and you'll see here, you don't have to create a new cadence each time. If it's you just add a new template, you can have a hold step, move people onto that step. And then when you've got the new content, you can add that as an additional step, add in your template, and then move people onto that step and send it out. So for me, I find this a really good way to organize and keep, track of all of my main POCs because they all sit in the cadence, and then I'm able to, you know, message everyone at scale once there's new updates as well.
Alright. And we do have some questions here, Phoebe. So first up, we have, what is the maximum number of days permitted per cadence? So there is no maximum. You can build out a cadence to be three hundred and sixty five days of the year, even probably up to I've seen four hundred, five hundred day step cadences.
So that's truly up to you. I will say one thing to note is that if you enter a person into a cadence, right, and I wanna just keep adding steps afterwards, keep increasing the time of the cadence, those steps will not apply for someone currently in the cadence. You would have to move them off and then back on the cadence. So I like to ensure or tell people to ensure that they have the cadence fully built out for however long they see fit with the content they want. Because once you start making those edits on a cadence and someone's active on that cadence, those changes are not gonna be taking place for the users already enrolled in the cadence.
And second or anything to add to that?
Yeah. No. Sorry, Dean. I was just gonna say as well with the cadences, try and have an an idea of what the desired outcome is for that cadence.
You might find that, actually, it really shouldn't be much longer than a year because, otherwise, what's you know, if they if the person gets to the end of the cadence and they've either not engaged or they've not responded, then there's probably a reason. And, actually, you want an endpoint to then decide what should I do with this person now if they've not engaged.
Maybe it's they're not the right person, so I need to evaluate. Should I ask someone else from the company into that cadence? Or or do I just remove them? Maybe I've not got the right, contact detail. So, yeah, I would say don't have steps for the sake of steps in your cadence. Try and have a clear end.
And then we do have one more question. Looks like it's getting some traction as well as, is it possible to automatically add accounts to cadences rather than manually adding them to cadence? The answer is yes. So via our automation rules, one of our triggers is when an account changes. You can use the criteria such as when account stage has changed to, you know, newly onboarded or working, whatever you guys may be using. Add all people at that accounts to x cadence. And then from there, anyone that currently exists in SalesLoft will automatically be added to that cadence.
So we don't have a way of automatically importing everyone based on account information.
You can only import leads or contacts that meet specific criteria regardless if they're all linked to the same account. But we do have a way, once they exist in SalesLoft, to automatically add everyone at that account to a cadence without you all having to manually go in and add those people.
Yeah. Great question, Oliver. And, yeah, very exciting we can do that. Mimi has popped a link in to our common automation rules, guide. So definitely have a look at that. Your admin SalesLoft admin will be able to support building that. So, yeah, do partner with them, but there's lots of, cool automations you can do to save you guys time and just get people automatically added into these sorts of cadences.
Cool. Okay. Anything further to add on the cadences there, Dean?
I think that's it. Essentially, I just like to tell peep people, you know, cadences is the best way to engage with your customers at scale. Right? It's that prebuilt process that your reps and yourself are only having to go in and execute.
So it's really just a good way of saying, I know the process that works best. I wanna enter, you know, whatever tier account into the specific cadence it may be. It's really just supposed to save you guys time so you can just be executing rather than having to go through and figure out what was the last thing I did and what do I need to do next. All of that is already handled for you.
Fab. Okay. So now we're gonna move on to how you can review and manage your accounts, within deals, in SalesLoft. So, with the CSMs, you know, the definition of that role and what responsibilities you have varies by company. Some customer success managers will be responsible for managing renewals, and dealing with upsells, or it could be a bit more like us where, actually, customer health is our focus.
But deals dashboards are gonna help you, with whatever you have to manage. So I'm gonna jump into our demo instance to show you how I leverage this section. So in SalesLoft, if you head to workspace and deals, that's where you'll find your pipeline, dashboard.
And, really, this is just a mirror of my Salesforce instance.
So any opportunities that I have, I'm working, I can view here.
You can create different dashboards as well. So for me, I will be looking at a renewals dashboard, so that will show me all of my upcoming renewals.
And I can segment this. I could have a different dashboard to maybe just look at this quarter, to look at the whole year, or any with a specific criteria that I want to keep an eye on.
From here, we've got different filters, so that's really where you can drill down and look at certain time frames, different owners. If I maybe don't own the opportunity because I'm the CSM, I can look at specific account executives or renewals managers.
And I can change the record type. So it might be that I'm looking at renewals over sales records, different stages, and so on as well.
So from here, as I as I mentioned, I can see all of the opportunities, that I'm working, but I might want to just change the layout slightly compared to how an account executive might see this. So from here, I can adjust the columns, and I can select from different opportunity fields and account fields on the record type, so which ones I want to bring in. I also move around. So for me, CSM notes and my to dos, I really want to see.
Whereas things like the economic buyer decision process, maybe that's not so relevant. So I can either move those down the list or actually remove them from my view as well.
And I can hit apply, and those changes will update here.
One of my favorite things about deals is just the ease in which I can update opportunity records. So from here, if I wanted to add in notes, it's in one click, and it's done and it saves. And that syncs to Salesforce and back.
And I can make changes across the stages as well, the close dates, and I'll have a little visibility if anything's changed here as well.
Sterling, to your point, do you know if this only works if you're the account owner in Salesforce?
In our org account owners and Salesforce account account managers and CSMs are just listed as a field pulled from Gainsight. Okay. Yeah. So we have this in SalesLoft as well. I actually don't own the opportunity.
So what I would do is have this owner field set it, as open. You could select as many people as you want. I'd hit apply. And then in the filter section, this is where I would add in the CSM.
So you'll see these are the different fields, opportunity fields. So what I would see the CSM, I would search for my name here. So as long as I'm listed as a CSM or on that field, I'll be able to pull that in and just use the filter to make sure I'm looking at the ones I'm working.
So I hope that answers the question, Sterling. Let me know if not.
But, yeah, from there, I can make quick updates. Like I said, my favorite columns are being able to update my notes here rather than doing it in Salesforce.
I can also have a real quick view on how much activity has gone on in the account.
So I can see here there's been one meeting and a couple of activities by the rep. So that's me on my team. But But I can also see where I've got some opportunities where there's not been enough activity. So that's a really good signal for me to come in and do something about that.
So I can action straight from here. If I wanted to send an email to the stakeholders, I can see Steve's the CEO. So I'm gonna give him a call or drop an email or book a meeting. I might want to add them to a cadence.
I can add different stakeholders here as well to make sure all the activity gets tied to the opportunity and quickly, make any updates as well.
So in terms of, like, day to day, this dashboard is something something I'll review with my manager on a weekly basis. We'll go through all of our, upcoming renewals, and we'll sort those by close date. So we're working on the closest ones first.
And, really, we'll go through these one by one, make sure my notes are up to date, and I'm doing everything we can to secure this renewal.
If I'm partnering with my account executive or renewals manager, we can look at this together and just make sure we're all on the same page. We know where things are gonna land and what each of us needs to do, to to secure things up.
Yeah. And, Phoebe, we do have a question here.
A user is wanting to know, how do we report on which accounts have already had a meeting within the last six months or so?
That's a great question. So within the deals dashboard, you'll see activity within the last thirty days. That's a good place to track within the month. Right? Has someone had activity? Have we met with them, etcetera?
But outside of that, if you wanted to report on the last six months, you would need to physically click in to the opportunity itself. And then from there, you can go into activity and see what the last meeting was, when that was.
Phoebe, do you know of an aggregate way to report on that within deals?
So not within deals, but an area that you could have a look at is analytics, and, you could have a look at prospecting results.
This is gonna give you a list of all your accounts that have been worked in this time period by this group of users, and you'll see here sort of a meeting count.
So from here, you could filter.
So you could set that to be the last six months, and whether it's everyone you're looking at or just certain people, that will give you a list then of all those accounts, that have had meetings in that time. So and you could have meetings is between one and then however many, or well, is greater than one. You could apply that, and then that will give you, that list.
So So that would potentially be a good place to look in SalesLoft for that information.
Yeah. That's perfect. Thank you, Phoebe, for showing that.
That's alright.
Okay. Yeah. So back to deals. That's really the key things I'm gonna be looking at as as as an individual.
My managers, and leaders will also probably have a look at these things called deal gaps. So these are configurable by your SalesLoft admin. There are things that we call red flags.
So what might impact a deal, happening.
As you'll see, they can be edited by your admin here. So it might be things like create adapt a gap if the close date is past due or the last activity has been more than fourteen days.
So this is going a little bit more technical, things that your admin will have a look at, but it get then gives you a good indication of the health of your opportunities.
The more deal gaps you have, the more unhealthy it is. So, again, it's something I will have a look at with my manager. How are we doing? Are there some that need a bit more attention than others?
Yeah. And, additionally, I think it's worth noting too that sometimes or many times, we'll update the CSN notes or we'll update, you know, deal gaps, anything like that. Our AEs as well as RMs are looking at the same dashboards we are. So there's a lot of internal are we discussing the renewal, have we have a call set, etcetera, things like that.
So it's not just for managers, but also for your internal colleagues in terms of AEs, RMs, maybe other CS consultants that you're working with. It just gives you all transparency transparency to see into the dashboards of, like, okay. I don't need to click into each individual account in Salesforce. It's all right here at aggregate.
Dean, I'm gonna jump to Reynold.
Yeah. They're keen to know how an individual user can track the list of all the accounts and have export function.
Okay. Yeah. So I would actually come into contacts and accounts.
From here, you can see a list of all the accounts that you own. This is ownership in SalesLoft.
So a quick tip from me, if you're pulling up this screen and that doesn't look like your account list, I would recommend you change this to all users, and then you can add a filter here and look at this CRM owner. If you own them in the CRM, that's a great way to to then look.
You've also got different account roles here. So account roles, we're looking at different user relationships.
And this is something that your admin needs to set up. But if it is in place, you can again search by CSM so I can look at the list, that I own as, CSM.
You have the export function as well there if you wanted to take that out of SalesLoft.
Yep. And that will just give you a CSV file right to your email, with a list of all these accounts as well as all the fields you see here. So that's how you'd find your accounts and export those.
I think that's, deals. So I'm gonna hop over now to the other area of sales of the I use on a daily basis, which is conversations.
And for those that aren't familiar, conversation intelligence is our, call recording and insight, area in the platform.
So after I've had a meeting with my clients, the it gets recorded and captured and, uploaded into SalesLoft.
This is really great for me. It means I can be really present on the call because I know I've got the recording that I can refer back to afterwards.
And for me, this AI recap summary and action items is like gold dust.
I come after the meeting. I can have a look. I can copy that summary and pop it into my follow-up email. And these action items are always really great. Again, I'll just copy those and put those in my email, so I know exactly what we need to do next to move things forward.
My other thing that I often do is share the call. So after the meeting, perhaps there's been a bit the the customer found really insightful.
I can either create a clip and just send that part, or I can share the whole, thing.
And I just need to pop in their name, email, and then I can generate a link, that I can then share out with them.
That's great as well. Even after maybe I've had a customer training, I always like to send that out afterwards so they've got that for reference, and anyone that couldn't attend has access to it.
Or, similarly, yeah, just a normal meeting if people can't attend, making sure you share that out so they can reference it and catch up.
Yeah. And then one thing I really find, valuable about conversations is our trackers feature. So, essentially, if you see those words right there on the left hand side, this is something you can set up to say, I wanna click into every time the word budget was brought up. And then within that, it'll bring you links and clips to the video. So if you can click in, it'll take you to the exact mark within the video where budget was brought up.
Again, there's other things like, you know, next steps you can set up, renewals. You can set up any keywords if you're an admin. And within those, you can set up the subset of words that will apply to that. But it's just a really good way if I'm going into a one on one or if I'm going before a QBR and I need to look up the last part of a call where they mentioned were they talking about any competitors?
Were they looking into anything like that? I have access to click into the tracker, say competitor. It'll take me to that part of the call, or I can relisten rather than having to skim through the whole thirty to an hour long call. It just gives you the avail or the ability to jump to that moment in time, versus having to skim through the entire call.
Thanks, Dean. Yeah. Definitely worth using. The other thing that's really helpful here is if you maybe a customer's asked a really technical question that you're not able to answer on the phone or on the call.
I will often you can either tag your colleagues, at the certain point in time. If they've got access to SalesLoft and they can listen back, or, again, that's a really good use of creating a clip.
I always find that context. And if they've shared their screen on the meeting, perfect. You've got that recording that you can share out, get someone else's opinion, and go back with a really informed answer.
So another little tip there.
Fab. Does anyone, have any questions on sort of conversation intelligence specifically, or does anyone anyone using at the moment and they find it really helpful?
Don't be shy. But, yeah, I know it's it's a great tool. Definitely something to leverage. Obviously, you can see the full transcripts on the right hand side.
But as Phoebe pointed out, that AI summary is gonna be real helpful when you're sending those follow ups. Right? It's really taking the grand scheme of things and making it easy for you to look at the notes and share out, whereas you, once again, do not have to go back and review and think about, oh, what happened on the call? Do I need to pay more attention on the call because I was taking so many admin notes?
It allows you to be live in the moment and have the ability to come back and look at the call in detail, what was going on, what was said, and make it really easy for you to share all that information as well.
Thanks, Dean. My final comment then on the conversation piece is whilst it's great to sort of watch back your own calls, you also have access, depending on your team settings to see other, team members' recordings.
So you could search by a specific user or specific group, and this can be really helpful. Maybe I've got a colleague who is absolutely amazing at QBRs, and I want to watch their latest ones for inspiration.
You know, you can come in and and review that and upskill yourself.
But, also, maybe your sales, colleagues had a meeting, and you want to reference that to understand what the customer's initial goals were. So, yeah, do feel free to sort of use it as a library and, learn about your clients and, colleagues, as practices as well.
Yeah. And this is really helpful for me when I was switching over from sales. I would come in here, listen to the current CSMs call, just get a better understanding of how they host their QBRs, how they host their health checks. You can build out those libraries for onboarding purposes. And, again, it's also for things, you know, such as I'm if I'm taking over accounts in an account restructure, I need to know what the last rep said, what were the current initiatives, next steps they were talking about.
You can build out playlists for all of these things in in various forms.
So, guys, that brings us to sort of wrap up this.
In terms of next steps, hopefully, you're feeling inspired to create some team snippets and templates if you haven't got them in place already.
But, yeah, really trying to think of some things that you type out frequently and what can you can save time on in the future.
Do download that Chrome extension, and work wherever you like.
I think the link has been shared for the Outlook plug in as well if you use Outlook over Gmail.
And then capture a meeting in conversation intelligence. Share it with your customer afterwards, see what the feedback is, but really easy to get set up, and get running with it.
I know we have time left over for questions, so we'll gladly stay on.
This deck will be, as long with this recording, will be shared out to all of you. So in the next slide, we have links to all the resources we talked about today, links to the Chrome extension, links to the conversation setups checklist, as well as just a little get started with deals, webinar slash article. Then, again, we just supplied some best practice links there.
Just just some things you can click into kind of elaborating more on what we went into today.
And then lastly, you can check out our Champions Hub. Our Champions Hub is our new home for all of our resources, everything including SalesLoft Academy, where you can find all the recordings of previously recorded events, etcetera. And, Kim, will the resources be sent out as well? Yes. So it this slide deck will be shared after this call once the meeting is finished processing. I believe Mimi will send that out to you all. But all of the links we've talked about today will be included in this deck and will be available for you all, in that email.
So with that, I will leave room for questions.
But I hope you guys found value in what we provided today. I know, definitely, there's a lot of information to tech take in.
But, ultimately, SalesLoft is supposed to make your lives as a CSM easier. I know it makes mine and Phoebe's life easier just by allowing us to, you know, have that personalized approach at scale, getting better information, coming back and being able to reference that information easily and quickly.
It's really a one stop shop for all things efficiency and and effectiveness, is how we like to view SalesLoft.
Yeah. Fab. So any any other questions? Feel free. All comments. Is everyone looking forward to the holidays?
Thank you, Sterling. Have a great day.
Amazing, y'all. Well, thank you for the time. We truly appreciate it.
If you guys have anything else that you ever need assistance with, please reach out directly to your CSM. Or if you wanna reach out to success in SalesLoft, you can always happily do that as well, and we'll be more than happy to assist you from there. But I wish you all a happy holidays.
Salesloft is a versatile platform that can support the workflows of all revenue generating teams, including Customer Success! Cadence and Rhythm can help CS teams routinely check in with customers, Conversations can help CS teams transcribe and action on next steps, Deals can help CS teams manage their Accounts and renewals, you get the gist!
At Salesloft, we strive to be the best users of our own platform, so that we can speak honestly to the value our platform provides, and to confidently teach our customers how to use it. In this webinar session, members of our own Customer Success team will be sharing insights into how they use Salesloft throughout their day, as well as some valuable tips and tricks we've learned along the way!
After attending this webinar session, you should be able to:
- Identify key features across the Salesloft platform that support your workflow and drive quick wins
- Implement best practices for maintaining and scaling engagement
- Collaborate with team mates more efficiently within the Salesloft platform
This webinar is best suited for:
Customer Success teams
Presented by:

Phoebe Cornes Headshot Image
Senior Customer Success Manager, Salesloft

Dean McDonald
Customer Success Manager, Salesloft