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Winter ’20 Launch | Coach to Close More Deals

December 14, 2020

IMPORTANT: Salesloft is moving to a quarterly launch rhythm, so the next announcement you can expect from us will be in mid-March 2021. Also, register for our Winter ’20 Product Updates Webinar on December 17 to learn more about these updates and get a sneak peek into 2021.

Now on to the main event!

Welcome to the Winter ’20 edition of the Salesloft Product Update. In this post, we’ll share all the features and enhancements included in this launch.

What do I need to know?

Here are two tips to help you navigate this announcement.

Winter ’20 Product Highlights

“Coach to Close” Workflow

Quarters can be made or missed by just a handful of deals. Coaching your reps to turn around a few more deals can make the difference. With Coach to Close, you’ll know where and why your reps are struggling so you can prioritize your efforts on where it’s needed most.

Coming this week to all users on Enterprise and Sell plans!

Check Out the Blog Post to Learn More


Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integration**

salesloft dynamics 365 integration

Unleash the power of Salesloft and Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM with our latest integration!

Fill Out the Form to Request More Info


All Winter ’20 Product Updates

Deals Analytics | Conversion Rates**(Coming this week): Sales Managers! Find more coachable moments by pinpointing deal stages where a rep is struggling to progress. Use your team’s conversion rates to benchmark each seller’s deal progression performance.

Deals Activity Timeline: Quickly gain a clearer understanding of deal progression. Deals Activity Timeline not only provides customer engagement data and key deal milestones, but also immediate access to relevant Conversations recordings (CI recordings coming this week).

Multi-Touch Cadence Steps:Deliver a more effective workflow for sellers by creating Cadences where multi-channel steps are executed back-to-back. Designate multiple steps for a Person due at the same time.

Bulk Edits in User Management**: It’s here! Manage a large group of users with hyper efficiency using bulk edits in user management.

Analytics Reports Tab: Heads up! Your Analytics Reports are moving this week! But don’t worry, they aren’t going far. Navigate to all of your custom reports, faster. Analytics Reports are now consolidated in one central location with all your custom and standard reports just a click away.

Analytics Overview: New Panels: Stay on top of your team’s email and call performance trends with new panels including Email Template, Calls Leaderboard, Top Sentiments, Top Dispositions, and Best Time to Call.

Cadence Overview | Copy and Rename Cadence: See a successful Team Cadence you’d like to copy? Easily copy it directly from the Cadence Overview page. No need to go back to the Cadence List view to copy and rename the one you want to use.

People List | UX Improvements (Coming soon): Work faster with the updated look and feel of the People List. Quickly add and import People, locate the People you want to action, save filtered views, and update information on People records in bulk.

People List | Create Person: Save time and reduce clicks when creating a new Person and easily link a new Person to an existing account. Salesloft auto-populates specific fields and detects email addresses for existing Person records.

Prioritize Your Day: Prioritize your day with Cadence sorting in Salesloft. Sorting allows you to manage the daily punch list, streamlining how you execute Cadences. Sort by priority, daily steps due, or alphabetically. The sorted order is applied to both the home dash and the Salesloft side panel so you can start at the top and work your way down, confident you are hitting your most important activities first. In addition, the Salesloft Gmail add-on now supports Tasks!

Filter by Salesforce Opportunity Data (Coming this week): Conversations users can filter and sort recorded conversations by Opportunity Stage and more. Easily leverage Salesforce Opportunity data to identify milestone conversions, filter and save views, or access recordings directly from the Opportunity view with our new unified workflows.

Google Calendar “Add video conferencing” Dropdown Support: Conversations now supports the capture of Zoom meetings when using the “Add Video Conferencing” drop down in addition to the “Make it a Zoom Meeting”.

Global Alert of CRM Disconnection: Has your CRM connection been disabled? Now you’ll know immediately, so you can reconnect and get back up and running.

Custom Picklists for Person Records**: Increase customer data accuracy by re-creating your custom picklists from Salesforce Person records into Salesloft.

And check out our new integration partners!

  • Automaton Testing: A simple, automated way to QA, test landing pages, campaigns, and integrations. Now you can automate monitoring, test multiple different personas and variations, and schedule tests to make sure everything is running as expected.
  • Qotient (Coming Soon): Access the power of Qotient talk tracks within a Salesloft Cadence step. Use the talk track to conduct your sales calls with insightful content and supporting material to increase the chance of a successful sales conversation. Log the results of the conversation within Qotient and Salesloft.
  • Zoho CRM by OSync (Coming Soon): Sync multiple modules from Zoho CRM into Salesloft and vice versa, including custom field mapping between platforms. Single or bi-directional auto-sync every 60 minutes, or at user command.


We strongly recommend you consult the Knowledge Base articles linked above. If you need more assistance, check out our on-demand product update videos for a detailed overview. Also, free to reach out to [email protected] for more information—we’re here to help!