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SalesLoft Product Release: Replies In The Activity Feed

February 15, 2016

Valentine’s day may be over, but at Salesloft we never stop showing love to our users.

Salesloft customers live in our platform every single day. What is their goal? Connect, qualify, and convert. Having the ability to see their connections is paramount to understanding what happened and the context in which it happened.

It is not enough to simply see email responses. Successful future communications are dependant on knowing the context of the response.

Salesloft is excited to announce our newest release: Reply bodies in the activity feed.

Replies will now be exposed in the live feed and email activity feed. Users will see what message was replied to and the body of that message on the person profile and company profile email feeds.

The Salesloft development team has spent countless hours building our state-of-the-art reply tracking setting a new standard for quality and accuracy.

See replies in the Live Feed:


You can now see replies in real time in the live feed. Quickly take action by navigating to the email or the person’s profile.

Clicking on the email will take you to the email history page:


Clicking on the person will take you to their profile page, allowing you to see the reply and body:


Clicking on the email body will expand the view and allow you to see the entire email chain:

4 Email reply

Email replies will also show in the company email feed as well as long as the person is linked to the company.


Viewing reply bodies on people and companies enables our users to gather more insights and context when they engage with their buyers. Salesloft’s world class reply tracking coupled with the ability to see these replies within the platform will help our customers (and ourselves) be more efficient and ultimately enjoy using Salesloft that much more.

It’s a subtle, but powerful usability win for everyone! Sign up for a trial and check it out.

Looking for more about about Salesloft’s feature roadmap? Register for the webinar “What’s Now, What’s New, What’s Coming” with our VP of Product Strategy, Sean Kester, this Wednesday at 2 PM EST.